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SEO : Will It Ever Die?

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I am sure if you are an SEOer you have heard this plenty of time SEO is “Dead” or SEO will die. So now here is another article on this topic but its Optwizards view on the situation.

Will SEO die simple NO. It will not die just evolve. Just like everything else on the web it will just evolve into something else. SEO used to be simple, add a title with keywords, make your description filled with keywords then add keywords in your meta tag and oh yah add keywords in your body. Then add keywords in some H1 tags and alt tags shake up a bit sit back and wait to see which search engines picked up your site.

Google Takes Over:

This then changed when the meta tags lost some of its mojo and all the search engines that once were started falling by the waste side. The lone survivor was Google and Bing. Now whatever Google says SEOers do. Google said you must get links. So everyone went out and got links. They then stuffed the anchor texts with keywords and were on their merry way. Google Bomb!!! Google Bomb!!! This worked for awhile.

Google then started adding penalties and changing the scope of SEO again with various updates and bans based on the links you get and how natural your site looks. Once again all the SEOers ran out and stopped buying links and started getting links elsewhere. Guest posting, writing relevant articles and having them posted on themed sites to get credit and have their links show all because Google said so.


With the introduction of social media and mobile SEO even changed more. Once again Google announced in June that unique ranking criteria will soon be developed based on the needs of mobile search users, which is getting more and more each month. Webpages that are not coded right for mobile browsers have a chance to be penalized by the big G in future algorithm updates, though Google has not specifically said anything yet.

Social Media:

Social media signals have become a big part of SEO now. The more fans, likes, shares, retweets, tweets, +1’s, repins you get the more popular Google thinks you are so this can have the potential of increasing your rankings. Again as long as it all look natural and no manipulation you are ok.

This is the biggest key with optimization now. You must look natural. No over optimization, fake likes and shares and using the same anchor text. Things must vary and not be repetitive. Incorrect optimization (over optimization) will present a problem for your search rankings in the near future. So SEO will not die it will just evolve as Google sets the rules, until another search engine comes up and says otherwise.

Will SEO Die:

Will SEO die, NO, will it change YES, it all depends what the search engines look for in a website. be it links, meta tags, headings or anchor something will have to trigger the rankings algorithm and its the SEoers jobs to figure out what it is. So SEO will not die…just evolve.

Stu Lieberman

+ Stu Lieberman has been doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for over 15 years and has optimized sites from the top debt consolidation companies to large ecommerce sites. Living in Florida Stu takes pride in his Internet Marketing work and is always atop the latest trends in the SEO and internet marketing world.

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