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SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) For Small Businesses

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Search engine optimisation is possibly even more important for small business than big brands. When you are up against well known names who are also practicing SEO you need to understand your market place when it comes to the internet for a chance at succeeding. Follow this guide to SEO for small businesses-

Understanding The Market :

As you know, the internet is a huge place, so where do you as a business fit in? As a small business you will almost always be up against some big competitors who probably also practice SEO and use ad words as well as having a good brand reputation. Research your competitors by searching in Google for national and broad key words in which you would go for for your business. Make a record of the key words where the big competitors are ranking top for.

Find Your Key Words :

Using Google analytics do key word research. After your competitor research you may have determined that you can still aim for some of the bigger and boarder key words. Search the broader terms and look at the competition and global and national searches. As a small business you will want to aim for terms that are not too high in competition but with fairly good search volume.

As well as broad search terms as a small business you will want to go for local search terms as these will have lower competition and will be easier to rank for. This is especially good if you have a product which can be bought locally or offer local services. Look up all possible search terms linked with local key words to find which has the highest search volume etc. I would recommend choosing two broad search terms and four local.

Optimising Your Site :

Now you have chosen your key words you will need to begin to optimise your site for these search terms. Ensure all the content on your site is unique and of high quality. You want your content to work for search engines, but above all it must work for the user. Naturally include your search terms on relevant pages, you will want to mention a search term around four times per page. You will also need to include your key words in your title tags.

Now we are not all experts, so if you’ve gotten this far then brilliant! But if this is starting to get to complex consider asking advice from a UK SEO company who specialise in SEO for small businesses.

If you’re still managing the next step is creating quality content for link building. Content is king so you’re content must be unique and of great quality! Write blogs based around the subject of your industry and approach blog owners to post your content on their. Don’t forget to include your key word with a link back to the relevant page on your site.

If you get this all right you should slowly start ranking for your chosen key words. It will take time, so be patient. You will also need to keep it up by producing content on a regular basis to keep your site moving up and once it’s up keep it there!

Eilidh MacRae

Eilidh MacRae works for Marketing By Web and would reccomend them as a UK SEO company.

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