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How to Search the Best Keyword for Your Website

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In this period where globalization has taken over everything, owning a website is essential tool for communicating with the world. However, a website is only relevant if it can be reached by online users. The best way to attract traffic to a site is using keywords in the web’s content. With the relevant keywords, a site will get a good ranking by search engines and many online users can gain access to it. The search for relevant keywords is the beginning of a breakthrough in search engine ranking. How then should you search for the best keyword for your website?

Understanding Short Tail and Long Tail Keywords

In SEO, keywords can be grouped as short tail or long tail. Short tail keywords are phrases that contain one to three words relevant to particular content on your site for example “office computers”. Long tail keywords, on the other hand are longer phrases composed of four or more words. An example of a long tail keyword is “office computers below $600”. Keep in mind that short tail keywords are related to general information and they mostly bring traffic to your site. However, short tail keywords are competitive therefore, getting a high SEO ranking with short tail keywords is not easy. Long tail keywords will not cause a lot of traffic on your site but they bring more committed users who are targeting specific products or services. Such keywords will bring to you buyers, subscribers and a good ranking by search engines.

Try Searching the Best Keyword for Your Website Online

Once you have identified certain words that are relevant to your site, try looking up the keywords on major search engines. You will find out which websites are ranking for a specific word. This gives you a clue of how you will rank with the keywords you intend to use in your content on the web. Also, check if there are ads in the page of the results for a keyword. The presence of such ads tells you that the keyword is a profitable one.

Learning the Trends

SEO is an ever changing world. To stay at the top of the rankings, you need to know about the online dynamics in terms of keywords. At any one time, there are always trending keywords and getting to know them is key if you are running a website. It is especially important if the keywords are relevant to your niche. There are several tools you can use to determine keywords that can generate massive traffic at a given moment. Google trend is the tool commonly used to check the trending keywords.

Using Related Terms to Get Best Keyword for Your Website

Search engines keep evolving and they always seem to catch up with website runners’ tricks. Currently, it is not all about stuffing keywords. You have to use words that relate to the keyword in your content to get ranked. For example, if you are writing about an emerging disease, you will get a good ranking if such words as diagnosis and symptoms appear in your content. The use of such terms in SEO is called Latent Semantic Indexing.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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