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Save Valuable Resources with Time and Attendance Modules

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Hand written daily time record, the traditional Bundy and punch clocks, the finger and eye scanner and others; these are just a few of the outdated ways of how to monitor the attendance of employees in business organizations. There are actually newer and more advanced ways of tracking the hours of your workers and staff.

The process of overseeing the time that is spent in the workplace by each and every employee everyday can be a bit grueling. Some might think that it only means writing down the number of working hours spent of every individual and that is it. However, this specific procedure in any organization is much more than that. It definitely includes a lot of paper work. Other important details should also be considered like taking to account vacation and sick leaves, overtime and others. Computing all of these can certainly be difficult and taxing.

There are already different computer software available in the market that can give ease and simplicity to this somewhat complicated procedure. The advantages of employing an advanced computer system such as a time and attendance module are as follows:

  1. It can lessen labor costs. A staff that counts and calculates the number of hours spent by each employee by looking and checking all the hard copies of all the time sheets is not needed anymore. Since the tracking is done automatically in the system, this insignificant and minor method is completely eliminated.
  1. Errors are minimized. Over- and underpayments to employees because of incorrect inputs in timesheets will not happen anymore. Furthermore, companies with time and attendance modules can definitely eradicate illegal practices and falsifications by employees.
  1. It makes the Human Resources department’s work easier. Constant inquiries of employees regarding the details of their attendance and paychecks will also decrease. The advanced systems can provide online access to an employee’s payroll information instantly.
  1. Certain expenses involved in employees’ time and attendance information are also lessened. With this kind of system, the use of paper is reduced. There is no need for printing out payroll and other timesheets that need approval from different departments anymore. Maintenance expenses for specific devices are in the same way reduced especially if the company is using different machines such as Bundy clocks or bio metric gadgets to monitor the attendance of workers.
  1. Monitoring employee productivity is made easier.  In certain instances, it would be easier to track what everybody is doing in a certain period of time. There is also a way already to monitor how much time a specific worker spends in one specific activity.
  1. Management of employees positioned in different branches and locations would not be a problem.  Time and attendance modules can help managers oversee labor costs instantly for decision purposes. This would also aid them to recognize scheduling and overtime issues among employees even in different locations before it can actually happen.
  1. It can be used for security purposes. Time and attendance systems have features that can track employees’ movements. For certain restricted areas in the workplace, there is now a way to monitor where the staff is exactly and how long that person was there.
  1. It is used to make sure that the organization is complying with labor regulations. The systems are usually made to automatically comply and submit to all legal labor principles and protocols.

With all the advantages enumerated, a time and attendance module is indeed essential in any working environment. It certainly helps the management oversee all employees’ hours spent in the workplace more effectively and efficiently.

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Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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