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Ransomware Attack and Importance of Cloud Back Up

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If the title of the article and the terms Ransomware Attack, Cloud Back up are too technical for you, let me make it a bit easier for you. At first lets talk about Ransomware Attack. In brief, by this attack hackers somehow make you download a file to your computer and when you click on that file, the hacker gets the access of your computer and locks it down. You loose control of your computer and the hacker asks for money to unlock the computer or give you the password of the lock. Isn’t it horrible! We store thousands of our personal information to our personal computer and we cannot even think that someone else has got access to your computer and if you do not pay the money, you will not be able to access those data again.

Some of the most recent Ransomware attacks are Wannacry, NotPetya and BadRabbit etc. Wannacry was the worst one among them affecting around 300000 organizations worldwide. The had demanded $300 per machine as ransom. Now, you should get an idea about how severe the ransomware attacks are. Now, the question comes how we can keep ourselves ahead of these attacks.

As hackers are making regular improvement to find out new ways to hack systems, it is quite difficult for the antivirus companies to create a patch for a particular event and prevent all the attacks. The hacking tools are getting sophisticated now and you never know when your machine is going to get affected by a new attack.

Here comes the importance of Cloud Back up. If you do not have any idea about what cloud back up is, I am going to give you a brief description. So, what is back up. Back up means a copy of your data and the Cloud Back Up means the data gets stored in another place other than your computer or personal device. So, even if the hackers and cyber attackers get control of your device, you will still be able to access your data from a second source. Isn’t it a great way to take the control of your own data?

There are a lot of Cloud Back up services online but you will have to choose the one which is using the latest state of the art technology to secure and store your data. Here I want to recommend one Cloud Backup service, Ditch-it which uses decentralized Back-up Cloud 3.0 with end-to-end AES-256 bit Military encryption a new way that removes intermediaries, providing you the control to access your own data.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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