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Promotional USB Sticks As Promotional Product

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When it comes to sourcing the most appropriate promotional product for your organisation trawling your way through web pages full of products can be a lengthy task. There are so many available it is often hard to know where to start, especially if you take into account the diversity of both your clients and potential customers. How can you source a promotional product that will be the best for everyone, whilst also providing you with the brand awareness your company or organisation requires? Can you think USB sticks as promotional product?

Pens and coasters, key fobs and notebooks may have worked well in the past but as time moves on and products become outdated we should try to engage with new innovative products. What better era to move on to as in 2013 we are at a peak in the new digital age and finding ourselves in the middle of a digital revolution. More ever than before are we transferring files to each other digitally, making contact by email and video calls , have social and professional networking sites and have more accessibility to laptops and remote working than ever before. Therefore securely storing, backing up and transferring these data files from one device to another, whether they are Office documents, video clips, presentations or personal information is something we all need to do and USB devices (or memory sticks, pen drives or flash drives) provide us with the means to safely and easily do this.

This digital age is therefore providing a great opportunity to self promote and market our businesses not only online but through the peripherals that go hand in hand with the technology. USB sticks  are a great example and combined with the inclusion of a company logo can be a great universal promotional item to distribute to your clients and potential customers.

Not only can can you brand the more standard  USB sticks but you now have choices from a variety of styles ranging from a USB in a wristband through to an eco drive USB (made from bamboo or recycled cardboard), credit card style USB’s for easy storage in your wallet or  novelty USB’s which come in all shapes, sizes and forms, all of which can still be branded and of course all carry the following practical benefits, which make them so practical:


** Require no external power source.

** Are easily transportable and transfer documents between devices with ease.

.** Are small enough to keep on a key ring.

** Can have storage capacity of 32GB.

** Are compatible with any computer system.

Therefore a complimentary branded USB stick will not go unnoticed or unused by any potential customers and combining the cost effectiveness and practicality of USB’s it is fair to assume these are one of, if not the the best way to promote your business successfully.

Vivienne Ollis

Vivienne Ollis writes for professional photographer in Perth.> She believes the future of marketing lies within technology and USB sticks represent a great way to utilise this.

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