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Promote New Products or Services with Tri-fold Leaflets

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When trying to promote a new product or service for an established company you may be running short on marketing ideas. Sometimes going back to the basic forms of marketing can help in this regard. For example, Rogers is actively promoting their NHL network GameCentre LIVE. In order to do this on a non-digital platform a tri-fold leaflet can be used to describe the new service to potential and current customers in an informative fashion that can be referred back to if necessary. This type of marketing is actually considered to be one of the top ways to approach new customers, too.

Printed leaflets offer you enough room to provide customers with information about the new service or product without being a bulky (and pricey) brochure with multiple pages. The tri-fold leaflet printing by is an example of this non-digital form of marketing. The non-traditional tri-fold design provides you with more pages without the weight and size of larger promotional literature choices, while the space provided allows you to report the facts on your new product or service to your customers. Consider a tri-fold leaflet when you’re promoting your latest item or deal.

Uses and Benefits of Tri-fold Leaflets

The tri-fold leaflet allows you to provide a customer with more information than you could in a normal flyer or palm card that is normally mailed out during promotions. This also allows you to freely use more images or graphics since you’ll have plenty of room on the six available pages. The small size of the promotional literature is also a selling point since they are small and easy for someone to hold. For this reason the leaflets can be mailed at little expense or they can be passed out by hand. All-in-all a tri-fold leaflet allows you to save money by printing a small paper size like a normal leaflet or flyer without losing the text space.

Besides promotional purposes, leaflets can be used for other reasons, too. Tri-fold leaflets work well to provide information on tourist attractions, to offer details on a business deal during a meeting, to discuss upcoming events, or to simply offer information like statistics or findings on a specific subject.

Creating a Leaflet for Your Business

When you’re ready to design your own tri-fold leaflet with a print company as a partner, there is no need to worry; the process is simple enough and companies offer plenty of design and customer support if you run into any problems.

To start creating your own leaflet begin by considering your print options and choosing what fits your wants and needs best. You can start by choosing how many copies of your leaflet you want. Through Print-Print you can get anywhere from 50 to 25,000 copies; a pretty wide range. You’ll then decide on the thickness of the paper, a delivery date, and the general design of the leaflet. It should be noted that a leaflet is a standard size sheet of paper that is folded twice to create six separate pages (the final dimensions will be 99 x 210mm).

When you get your printing options in order you can upload a designated design as a PDF file for the print company to use on your leaflet. If you don’t have your own design you can choose to enlist the bespoke design service or browse the available templates to create your own design. Once this is done your design will be finalised by the company and will then go off for printing once proofed by the company. Then in no time you can start promoting your service or product through an informative tri-fold leaflet, and the World, as they say, is your Oyster.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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