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Povegila Haunted Island in Italy Paranormal Activity

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From the article title “Povegila Haunted Island in Italy … ” you may think, what is the relation between a haunted island and technology news? If you are thinking like this then you are on the right track! A good question arose in your mind. But Povegila island is an island where science and technology failed. I was searching the web about some paranormal activities and found this topic Povegila Haunted Island.

Povegila is know as one of the darkest place on earth!!

By curiosity, I tried to read from two to three sources and found something interesting. Yeah, you can tell, there is no connection between a haunted Island and latest technology news. But I am thinking why people are believing on such things in this era of twenty first century? What are the facts behind Povegila Haunted Island in Italy? What are the true stories and what are the rumors? The above question made me to write this article on this interesting topic. The important point what made me write this article is why in this era of science, people are still believing on paranormal activities and stuff in Povegila Haunted Island in Italy!?

Where is Povegila Island? (Povegila Haunted Island):

 Povegila island is Italy. To be more specific, Povegila, which is a haunted island, is located in between Venice and Lido in the Venetian Lagoon which is in Northern Italy. The island is divided into two parts as a canal flows between the island which has divided the island into two parts. The name of the island was first mentioned in  chronicles of 421. People from Padua and Este used to fled there to escape from Barbarian invasions.

The dark side of Povegila started during the Roman era when the plague victims were sent to this Island and isolated from general population. From those victims, who were died, were buried in a large pit or burnt. Even people with a slightest symptom or any other disease were taken from their homes,  as the Plague tightened its grip during that time. Men, women or even children were taken from their home and were left in the Povegila island for death. This is estimated, this small tiny island has seen a death of around 160000 people. This is also believed, the upper layer of the soil of this island is made from human flesh. 

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An Italian historian named Federico Moro also expressed his belief in the TV show Ghost Adventure that he believes the Povegila Island is haunted.

Mask Used by The Doctors in Povegila Island:

The mask used by the doctors had a special shape cause the doctors used to fill the hollow long part of the mask with different kind of herbs which can produce fresh air to breath for them.

Scared Stories Related to Povegila Island:

Doctors Story of Povegila Haunted Island in Italy:

In the year 1922, doctor went there and opened a mental hospital. But later he threw himself from the hospital tower and claimed that he had been driven by mad ghosts. According to a lore, the doctor began to see the spirits of those plague victims who were sent earlier in this island and left to die. It is said that the spirits led him to the bell tower from where he jumped or thrown (not sure). According to the nurse, he was note dead after falling from the bell tower but a mist came out of the ground and choked him to death.

Story of the Owner of the Povegila Haunted Island in Italy:

Though the Italian government was the owner of that Island, later Italian government sold the island through an auction. The owner of the island set off the island in the year 1960. Another family were willing to buy the island and went to stay in that island but left the place after their first night stay. They refused to say what actually happened but there was a big scratch on their daughters face with 14 stretches.

Povegila Island in Italy in TV Show Ghost Adventures:

The paranormal activity of Povegila island was also shown in the TV Show Ghost Adventure. The TV show host Zak Bagan visited the island in the year 2009 and attacked by a violent entity. The attack of that episode still remains the most compelling paranormal moment of the show.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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