While reading the word social network may be you are thinking that how one social networking site will pay you?!? But this is true the social networking site “INTICHAT” pay you for your activity. This sound strange.But their marketing policy is like that.Though the payment is not that much but it pays for your status, Photo …
A big portion of the people in this world are now using people Facebook.Some people are using Facebook for Social media Communication while a small amount of people are using it very badly.Because they are playing with someones personal information.Like they just copy and paste one picture of somebody from internet or from some other source …
There was a rumor that Google will release its browser “Google Chrome” for the iOS platform.Finally this came true and in the last week of June Google has released its browser “Google Chrome” for iOS platform. Right now safari is the default browser in iOS platform.But people are not satisfied with the speed of this browser so …
There are lots of reasons for which people now a days prefer VLC video player to play any video in their PC.For some people VLC is the best player to watch movie on a Laptop.Some people like VLC media player for its special add-ons like downloading Subtitle and extensions which will allow you to get related information …
Many people (specially students) want to earn money from different sources online. Some people find their ultimate way to make money online where some people remain searching to get the right way to make money online.Different people are having different skills but i think most of the people can do one thing and that is everyone can …