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Old Phones Still Have Some Value, Don’t Just Throw That

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I think each of us would have used many mobile phones and kept upgrading to new models and brands. I would like to ask you a question – Did you make sure you made the most out of your old mobile phones? I am sure most of your answers would be a big “NO”! Most people including me just dump the old mobile phones and start using the new ones. Did we ever care to reuse things? It would be yet another “no” from most of us. These NOs made me to think for a while and I am drafting down the benefits of reusing which I could think of.

  1. Reuse the memory cards, chargers and earphones if its compatible with the new mobile.
  2. Even if your phone has become a dead box, you can still use the battery as a power backup. If you are going out for a vacation, make sure you charge this old battery and carry with you. It might be handy at times. Also, this saves the money you spend on buying the power banks.
  3. It’s advisable to carry your old mobile phones for trekking or camping. Just in case the mobile falls down or something happens, then you can be a little light that it’s your old mobile phone and not the new one.
  4. Instead of getting insurance for the new mobile phone, you can continue using the old phone as a backup. This saves your money spent on insurance.
  5. If your phone is dead, did you try checking with the service centres to get it repaired? Some people take this as an opportunity to get a new one.
  6.  Try selling your old phone to get some money for buying the new one or you can save it for other expenditures.
  7. If you are interested in mobile application development or testing, then you can use your old mobile as your experimental box.
  8. You may also use your old mobile phone purely as an entertainment device with all the top games installed to it and movies/songs stored.  This helps in keeping your new mobile really new for some more time.
  9. Keep the old mobile in your car or emergency kit or some bags which you carry often so that it can be used in case of any emergency at least as a device to call 911.
  10. If none of the above works for you, consider donating your old mobile to someone. Needy people are always there and what might be an old thing and waste for us might be useful for someone else.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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