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New Dating Services You Need to Check Out 2018

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Perhaps everyone dreams of finding a soul mate. But at the same time, it’s very desirable that a person you are going to spend your life with has the same hobbies, profession, views, and so on. Especially for those who believe that regular dating sites don’t provide such an opportunity. has found 3 sites that offer the most unusual online dating.

  1. Smell dating

It seems that it is almost impossible to come up with something fundamentally new in online dating nowadays, but one website has succeeded in this. Two developers have launched an experimental dating service called Smell Dating which helps find a partner by smell. Users of the service don’t need to provide almost any data – even the gender and sexual orientation. The creators of the project want you to trust your senses and get rid of prejudices. For $25, customers of the service receive a T-shirt by mail which they must wear for three days. The founders of the service strongly recommend not to use deodorants and perfume during this time in order not to interrupt the natural smell but suggest not to abandon the usual activities (for example, smoking) that can affect the smell of T-shirts: they give the potential partner an idea of​​ your lifestyle. After three days, a T-shirt must be sent back. In exchange, you will receive ten foreign T-shirts. Then a user must tell what smell of what t-shirts he or she liked the most. If the preferences are mutual, the creators of the service will give you the phone number of a potential partner.

  1. SingldOut

This dating site will select a partner, taking into account not only the psychological but also the biological compatibility of users. Dating sites often “connect” lonely people via the type of temperament, Zodiac sign, and even appearance. The web resource SingldOut decided to use an innovative approach. The site offers customers a DNA test kit (for a saliva sample), the results of which will help professionals determine the ideal partner in terms of bio-compatibility. DNA testing is carried out by the company called Instant Chemistry which analyses fragments of the genetic code that are responsible for the immune system and emotional reactions. The results of the DNA study make it possible to connect couples with different genes of the immune system. Such a union is favourable for sex life, as partners find each other more attractive. Besides, the sexual life of partners with different genes of the immune system is better, so their common children will be more resistant to all sorts of infections. As for the fragments of the genetic code that are responsible for emotional reactions, their study allows bringing together people with a similar or combined type of reaction to stress.

  1. OnlineHappy

Online dating and chatting on the Web has become commonplace. Now, it is available to all owners of modern mobile devices. The developers of the OnlineHappy application decided to connect lonely people. During registration in the application, you are offered a psychological test, not too long but deep and capacious, which allows you to determine your claims and expectations from the main aspects of living together with a partner. Unlike most dating services, passing a test is free here, and its results are open – you can see and analyse them yourself. The selection of potential partners for dating is based on the level of compatibility of the test results. Thus, you have the opportunity to meet people whose claims and expectations fit comfortably into your personal scheme.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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