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Monitoring User Activity With Computer Monitoring Software

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Would you like to know what goes on on your computer while you’re away? Have you ever had suspicions that family members or employees have been up to something on the computer behind your back? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions then you should consider looking into Computer Monitoring Software. Whether you’d like to know if your teenager is actually doing homework in their room, or whether your employees are always on Facebook behind your back, Computer Monitoring Software can help.

Computer Monitoring Software can help you for one simple reason; it can monitor any user activity undertaken on the computer it’s installed on. There are a number of different developers for Computer Monitoring Software on the market, and although the features of their products all differ slightly, they mostly revolve around the same basic features. You can see a number of applications on this keylogger reviews site.

These features include taking screenshots periodically (or in some cases recording all screen activity), or whenever a new website or application is visited or opened. These screenshots will be marked with the time and date and labelled with the name of the website or application. Websites and applications will also be monitored, you’ll be able to flick through the logs and see exactly which websites have been visited, and the date and time of the visit. The same goes for any applications opened.

But these aren’t the only features, whatever you need monitoring you’ll find an application for the job. Computer Monitoring Software will also include a keylogger, so that anything typed (think emails, passwords and documents) will be logged, along with the application that it’s typed into. Document and file activity will also be monitored, along with anything printed and anything copied and pasted on the clipboard.
If you’re worried about the user knowing they are being monitored., don’t! Most applications work in complete stealth, meaning once you’ve downloaded and installed the software on the computer it’ll run completely silently in the background; even the most savy computer experts won’t know they are being monitored. And if you’re really worried about coming back to look at the logs, you can set up remote email reporting so that the logs are emailed to you to safely look through at another location!
So, whoever you need to monitor, Computer Monitoring Software should definitely be able to help you. As I said there are a number of developers that produce applications of this type. If you’d like to check out a free trial of some software with all of the features mentioned above take a look at Gecko Monitor by heading to http:/ /www.geckomonitor. com 

Lewis Waller

Lewis Waller is a technology related content writer and writing for Tech n Techie first time.

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