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LED vs LCD Tvs, What’s Better?

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There has been much debate about which television technology is better: light-emitting diode (LED) or liquid crystal display. There are pros and cons to purchasing each television. Consider each of these advantages and disadvantages to determine which will be best. Consider these qualities and determine which television is for your family.

Description of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Technology:

LED technology uses backlighting for illumination. LEDs, in particular, use light diodes to project light onto the display. This technology is superior in many ways to LCD displays. Here are a few pros and cons to purchasing LED televisions:

Pros of LED. LED displays do not have some of the problems with longevity that LCD displays seem to have. LCDs often experience a shadow image problem on the screen. This is called burn-in. LED displays do not have burn-in problems that are common in LED displays. LEDs also consume 40 percent less energy than LCDs. This is preferable for environmentalists who want to save the planet by lowering energy consumption. Lower energy consumption increases the lifespan of these types of televisions. LEDs also have superior backlight distribution. This yields superior viewing angles over LCDS and helps to maintain contrast ratio and color. LED systems can activate certain LED lights to accentuate certain images on the screen.

Cons of LED. The prices of LED televisions are greater than LCD. This is a major disadvantage of LED technology that is expected to change soon.

Description of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Technology:

Liquid crystals with light modulating properties are the technology used to design LCD monitors. Filtration is used to produce the image in the filtration. Cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) are used to provide light to the television.

Pros of LCDs. LCDs offer good quality displays, but the displays have more problems than LED screens. LCD televisions are more affordable than LED televisions, but the new LED technology is closing the gap.

Cons of LCDs. LCDs have a problem with burn-in and shadowy image degradation. Mercury is used in the process of developing LCD screens. This can be a hazard when disposing of the televisions. Energy consumed by LCDs is greater than LEDs. For the energy conscious, this is undesirable. The refresh rate is lower in LCDs than with LEDs. This affects the image quality. The contrast ratio of LED televisions is greater than LCD television. Higher contrast ratio means a better image quality. Better image quality is desirable by most people. If this is important, consider purchasing a LED television.

The Consensus:

If technology is the only consideration, most people would select the LED television. LCD televisions are more affordable than LED televisions, but the new technology will help to produce a more affordable television. Consider the options available before making a final decision. You will thank yourself for making a wise decision.

Author Bio With the ever evolving technology market, James Roberts is an avid product reviewer contributing to a number of high quality technology blogs. James is forever browsing the Good Guys catalogue in the search for the next top product he will review.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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