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Importance of Digital Menu Boards for Restaurants

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It goes without saying that customer service is the key to success in the retail industry. Providing a good and enriching customer experience sill not only creates and enhances customer loyalty, it leverages up sells and increases brand awareness for the business’s products and services.

Enhancing up-sales and cross-sales

Restaurants, particularly quick-service restaurants, have a heavy reliance on up selling and cross-selling opportunities. However, in the conventional scheme, these opportunities could only be promoted by the employees at the point of sale, meaning that an opportunity would be lost every time the employee failed or forgot to take advantage of such openings.

Implementing digital signage is the best way to alleviate that risk. The displays provide a better platform to influence customer engagement by taking over the up selling and cross-selling tasks. Using the right kind of technology, engaging content and mouth-watering spreads on the display, restaurants can greatly enhance their chances of scoring impulse purchases from impressed customers.

Promotional Advertising

That’s not all digital signage can do for you: the technology also provides a platform to announce and promote specific products and services during peak customer times and seasons. These could be daily or weekly specials, any discount offers, new products and limited-time-only promotions of any kind.

By sharing them on your digital signage, you increase the chances of sales influx, unlike the conventional whiteboard on the sidewalk, which could even be missed by customers hurriedly rushing about their business.

The Digital Menu Board

Implementation of digital menu boards for restaurants is not as difficult as it sounds; in fact, it is not difficult at all. The displays and other hardware come compactly set up with very simple installation and configuration processes. This means that it only takes seconds to get your menu board up and running, and you can begin to engage with your patrons and customers on a more wholesome level.

One way to take it further, especially for multi-locational franchises, is to implement a cloud-based management tool, which provides for the creation of templates from a single remote location and deployment to all other physical locations of the franchise. This would enhance the consistency of message delivery across the franchise.

Advantages of Digital Menu Boards

  1. Compact and portable hardware that comes ready for installation – no excessive wires cluttering the restaurant and no need for constant attention once installation has been done.
  2. Management and communication of different and targeted offers, incentives and prices depending on the location of the restaurant, including in service stations and inner city restaurants. You can also change the message according to the seasons and specials.
  3. Data security and backup through cloud connection for ease of remote management of all different displays.
  4. Easy creation, testing and deployment of interactive messages using various cloud-based tools and templates, which are readily available.
  5. Instant deployment to any location connected within the same network, making it ideal for global franchises.
  6. Easy creation of a schedule to display different signs for different times and different meals of the day
  7. Easy to integrate digital menu boards with other queue management technologies that can generate separate revenue for the restaurant.

Kevin Jones

Kevin Jones is a renowned expert in the digital signage industry. For more information or clarification on digital menu boards for restaurants and to access and download free templates, visit his website.

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