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How YouTube Has Become A Search Engine ?

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There is really no disputing the fact that Google is one of the top search engines on the internet.  What could be disputed is who is second.  While Yahoo and Bing are strong contenders, one of the other top search engines is actually YouTube.  This is because the searches are conducted for the billions of videos that are posted on the site.  It has become the top forum for marketing videos.  So how did YouTube become such a popular search engine?

It is no surprise that YouTube is here to stay and it’s safe to say it will stick around for a long time.  There are too many positives to this site to even consider it ever shutting down.  This is just another reason why it is such a popular search engine and why so many visit the site each and every day.

Steven Hollander

Steven Hollander is a YouTube fanatic who loves helping others improve their channels and their videos.

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