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How to Upgrade Your Computer – Some Easy Tricks!

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After many years of owning a PC, you may notice that it may not be as fast or as efficient as it was the first time you get it. It gets frustrating and you find that you don’t get the best out of your machine anymore. Everyone knows that over time, computers go slow because of newer updates and because of ageing. In this article we will discuss some easy tricks about how to upgrade your computer. Hope the tricks will be help to optimize your machine performance.

It doesn’t mean that a PC should be replaced or thrown out at the first sign of trouble. There are simple guides and tricks to upgrading your computer through software tools and troubleshooting guides. However, if worse comes to worst, it is inevitable that you may have to upgrade your computer. Here are some things to consider when you are on that path:

Reasons for Upgrading

What is it you hope to achieve when you want to upgrade your PC? Get a clear picture of the issues you have been having with your computer – things like lag when working in multiple apps, low frame rate, noisiness, programs taking too long to launch, and more.

It is good to note that upgrading certain parts only like the graphics card, memory, storage, or processor can solve some of the issues you’ve been having. Having an issue or two may not be worth splashing your money out on in the long run if you don’t use the PC that frequently or use it just for simple programs. Then again, there are upgrades worth doing. However, if you’re a gamer looking to upgrade in order to play the latest triple A (AAA) games, you may want invest in a customized gaming PC.

Read also this article which discuss about how to speed up old PC with some amazing tricks.

Familiarize Computer Jargon

If you know that your computer needs have changed, but don’t want to replace everything just yet, it is important to determine what certain specs are needed to be upgraded. For the not-so-tech-savvy, navigating through tech terms can be quite confusing and intimidating. It is important to know the functions of basic computer parts like RAM, graphics cards, processors, HDD, SSD, and more in order to prepare and get ahead.

Research is always the best way to go and depending on where you buy your computer parts. Asking for help from tech people ensures that all the parts you are purchasing are compatible and have the necessary capabilities. Furthermore, you can also ask advice from them for programs you need and have them suggest for a specific software if they are needed to be purchased separately.

You can also read How to Protect Your Computer from Hackers and Viruses to build a great computer security.

Set a Budget

It has been mentioned above that replacing or upgrading a PC can be costly and may be a waste when it is spent other than for reasons you determined are justified. There is nothing worse than the feeling of regret when buying something and going over budget. It is important to decide how much money you are willing to spend on your computer and see to it that you stick with it.

Apart from research, it is good to read product reviews from individuals. People in forums mostly have good input and have unbiased reviews and have a lot to say about the parts. They frequently interact with people as well so there is a good chance that they are willing to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

Read an interesting article about why desktop will live forever.

Acquiring something no matter big or small is an investment and computers need to be protected to get your money’s worth. What’s the use of having upgraded or new PC, when it’s going to be broken in the next month or two? Getting updated virus and spyware package, good CPU casing, and an appropriate table, and more would mean a world of difference.

Nothing lasts forever and there are many reasons why getting a new PC is better than upgrading certain parts. There will come a time when your old PC may not be able to keep up with the demands of new software and programs. Fortunately, system upgrades and maintenance can help prevent the inevitable, at least until you have the budget to get a new PC, of course.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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