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How to Transfer Music from iPhone to Computer Easily

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Interoperability between different electronic gadgets and their services are very important factor these days as people are using different kinds of technical gadgets with different operating systems. This is very annoying if you are unable to transfer your digital media from one device to another. But in reality we face this kinds of problem like we are unable to transfer music from iTunes to our computer. But today I am going to tell you about a software which will help you to transfer music from iPhone to computer.

You can also read the post “How to Delete Duplicate iTunes?

If for any reason you are changing your computer like a total system crash or any kind of technical problem, you will loose all your favorite songs from that device. Now the only option to get those songs from your iPad or iPhone to your computer. But this process is not so smooth and is a great hassle. In this kind of circumstances, this is beneficial if we can do the transfer of music from our iPhone or iPad to our computer easily. I am going to tell you about a very cheap program which allows you to do this just within a minute. The name of the software is O2Tunes  which a release from AmoyShare.

Below I am going to show you the steps through which you will be able to transfer music from iPhone to computer.

Step 1: Download O2Tunes and connect your iPhone or iPad through USB to your computer.

Step 2: After downloading the O2Tunes in your computer and connecting your device to that computer, just open the O2Tunes pop up and select the artists and songs that you want to transfer from your device to the computer.

Step 3: In this step you will have to choose the location in your computer where you want to save or move your music. Just click on “Export to” and then select the location where you want to copy the music to.

Step 4: After selecting the file destination, click start backup and now the O2Tunes will start copying songs from your iPhone to computer. When copy is done, simply click finish and you can unplug your iPhone now. You are done! Enjoy music in your computer!

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Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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