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How To Promote Your Website For More Traffic

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If you’ve been wondering how to get more traffic to your website you’re asking the right question. With out traffic you won’t earn a dime online, everyone knows that but very few people understand just how to drive quality, targeted traffic to their websites. If you want to promote your website the smart way you’re going to have to understand how marketing online has evolved and how it works with present day algorithms. Sound complicated? Don’t worry, it’s easier than it seems.

Search Engine Optimization the Right Way:
People involved with online marketing talk about SEO all the time and rightfully so. SEO is the backbone of most online marketing campaigns and can really help drive targeted traffic to your website. The only problem is most people aren’t up-to-date on the latest SEO tactics.
The first thing you should realize is that these days SEO is all about a “quality over quantity” approach. The spammy SEO methods that dominated the past are practically dead. These days it is all about providing value to your website visitors. Metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, pages visited, and others are what Google is looking for now since their Panda update in 2011.
What does this mean for you? Whether you’re outsourcing your SEO optimization to an SEO firm or doing it yourself, you must focus on keeping your visitors interested with quality content. Do this and Google will push your site up the rankings and you’ll get more and more traffic as a result.
It should be mentioned that backlinks (other sites linking to yours) still matter but not quite as much. You can’t just get a million backlinks and force yours site to the top of Google anymore. The more authentic and relevant your links are the better.
Paid Traffic:
The right kind of paid traffic can practically make your website a success overnight. The wrong kind of paid traffic can leave you penniless due to advertising costs. So what is the difference between the two? The answer is: targeting.
Paid traffic makes use of ads in most cases. Programs like Google Adwords, the Facebook ad program and more allow you to expose your ads promoting your website to a huge number of people. However, if your ads aren’t targeted your traffic won’t be either. This will lead to low conversion rates and a poor ROI (return on investment) that eats up your advertising budget.
The key here is to ensure that your ads are targeting people who are most likely to buy your product or service. Don’t go after a huge, broad target audience with your ads, go after very narrow, niche audiences. This will maximize your conversion rate and keep your ROI in the positive numbers, allowing you to refuel your ad campaigns organically and promote your website indefinitely.
Social Networking:
Social Networks such as Facebook and Twitter can be powerful forces when it comes to driving traffic but only if you know what you’re doing. Many people try to use these giants and end up failing miserably. The key here is not what you can get from the communities you join, but what you can give.

You can read my article “Get Free Facebook Likes For Your Facebook Fan Page ! ” to get free Facebook likes.

Branding is the name of the game on social networks. You want to position yourself in your market as an authority, an expert, and a big dog. Do this by freely sharing your knowledge, experiences, and any other cool stuff you come across. The goal here is to cultivate loyal fans first, customers second. The difference being: a customer will buy form you, a fan will buy from you and tell their friends, family, and online acquaintances about you you as well. This method of driving traffic is self-perpetuating if you do it right, an exceptional way to get more traffic to your website.

Andy Williams

Written by Andy Williams who shares his ideas on the future of online traffic and technology on Answers Africa.

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