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How To Post Article In MyBlogGuest Article Gallery As A Pro-Member?

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MyBlogGuest(MBG) is a community for the guest bloggers. You can publish guest articles through MBG.Both publishers and authors get quality articles and good blogs for their guest posts respectively.

“Article Gallery” is the most important place where the authors upload their article and the publishers offer their blog as well. To upload article in the “Article Gallery”, you need to be a pro-member of MBG.

Steps to Post Article in MBG Article Gallery:

  1. Click on the tab “My Articles” on your dashboard. Immediately you will get below window where you need to click on “Submit Article” tab.

2. After clicking on the “Submit Article” tab, another window will appear in writing articles as well as for providing essential information about the article.

I have provided a brief instruction to know how to fill up all the tabs to submit an article. I hope this instruction makes all the steps very clear.

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Tab 1: Add this file to the article: In this tab the author may upload any relevant images if he or she wants. Multiple images are allowed to upload. After upload the image, just click on it to place on the article body.

Tab 2: Title: This tab is for the article title. Choosing a nice title is a big deal because a title can drag a lot of reader’s attractions.

Tab 3: Secondary Title: If you want to add any other title besides the main one, you can write it here.

Tab 4: Short description: Within 160 words long, a description of the article can be written. It seems a short description.

Tab 5: Article Category: This tab is to select one suitable category for the article. The article will be visible according to the category in the article gallery so should be careful to select the category.

Tab 6: Add Tags: Now it’s time to add one or two related tags or keyword in this tab. Suppose you are writing one article about blogging, in that case blogs or blogging word may be good choice for tagging.

Tab 7: Article Content: Full article should be written in “Article Content”. This is the most important tab for an author. Be aware to write your article with proper English, maintaining correct grammar because after you upload the article, it will be reviewed by a moderator. If your English is not correct then your article will be rejected to show in the article gallery. So, write this part carefully. Proper formatting is also an important factor. If you want to add your link or url, you can do this in this part. Just select your anchor text and link the url to it. Excessive linking will result in rejection.

Tab 8: Author Bylline: Author byline of the article. Each and every time the author byline should be unique and please be careful while writing this part. Because it impacts on your authorship.

Almost you are close to publish your article. Right after completing all the above tabs, you can click on the “Publish Article” tab. After this stage, one pop-up window will come out where you need to check mark all the checklist items. Finally click on “send” tab to add your article in the MBG article gallery.

Rakhi Roy

The writer of the guest post is Rakhi Roy who is a passionate blogger in the field of pet related blogs. She writes about pet care, pet training, pet clothes and other pet related topics. You can check her blog at

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