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How To Pick the Best Smartphone for Your Needs

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When it comes to smartphones, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, particularly if you’re a budget-oriented user. In practice, people use smartphones for different purposes, and your own usage patterns and preferences should serve as a guide on what you should be aiming for with your next purchase.

To make the choice easier, we will guide you through different popular smartphone models, fitting different user types.

1. Best phone for portability

Although most smartphones tend to be thin nowadays, certain models like Apple iPhone 13 Mini go above and beyond to make sure they’re easy to carry around. Surprisingly, this doesn’t mean cutting back on hardware specifications, so the phone will be able to compete with the best of them. And it runs on iOS, which is a plus for those who prefer to keep it simple.

In case you’re wondering; yes, its screen dimensions are still more than enough for the purpose of browsing, watching videos, and even gaming. The only real downside is that the phone comes with a smaller battery, which is what was necessary to keep the size compact. Now you know what phone to take with you on your next trip!

2. Best flip phone

If you simply can’t let go of the old times when flip phones were all the rage, try Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 on for size, a modern take on an age-old classic clamshell phone design. Once you flip it open, you’ll see a 6.7 inch screen that works and operates exactly like any other screen, just that it’s foldable. Productivity-wise, it’s good to be able to read your notifications in a dedicated space.

The screen is not that amazing for watching videos or gaming, but it should serve you just fine for the purpose of emailing and texting. The 12-megapixel main and 10-megapixel selfie cameras should have you covered for all your photo-snapping needs.

3. Best cost-effective phone for performance

When talking about performance, high-end smartphones immediately come to mind, and in the vast majority of cases, that is true. But there is one model that aims to turn the concept on its head, and it’s none other than the OnePlus 11 5G. With its Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, it will deliver high-end performance without breaking the bank. That’s amazing given the price tag is less than $700!

It’s fully 5G compatible, meaning you get to pair up that hardware muscle with fast connection speeds. To see how beautiful all of this looks when combined with the 1440p OLED screen and its 120Hz refresh rate, feel free to test it out at the best casinos on a mobile device in Australia and abroad. Those spinning reels will look silky smooth, no matter how fast-paced the action might be.

 4. Best Android phone for power users

Those who love tinkering with their device tend to go with Android, the preferred operating system for whiz kids, and the one used by Samsung Galaxy S34 Plus. It has a 6.6 inch display, 120Hz refresh rate for smooth animations, and, of course, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. For a phone that’s still under $1000, that’s not too shabby!

As it goes without saying, a phone with these specs will handle almost anything with ease, including gaming. The camera should be to your liking as well, given that it has a 50-megapixel main sensor.


What kind of user are you? The answer will help you determine the most suitable kind of smartphone for your needs. If you’re unsure where to begin, the suggestions we’ve made above should be more than enough to get you going in the right direction.


Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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