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How To Make Content Go Viral In 2013?

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As more and more businesses/blogs/websites are vying to get popular online the more of SEO expertise comes into play. However, one thing that all businesses/blogs websites must focus on is to how to create content that goes viral. In 2013 the game plan hasn’t changed much either it is all a matter of understanding that subtle shift which makes a difference between a successful business and an unsuccessful one. So, let us know how to make content go viral.

Customer Oriented Content:

Forget what you want as a business- it’s time to shift your focus on the other side -ask what customers want that I can provide them with? In other words, to create great viral content every word you write, every video you record or every audio you produce is created from the customer’s point of view. When your product is customer oriented then answers to your entire questions rise to the surface automatically and then you won’t need expensive marketing strategies.

Use the technique of persuasion in your content: making readers/ customers/web users feel that they are missing out on something and that something is just what you have nailed for them to read/hear or see is what makes great viral content. So the feeling of scarcity and missing out is what you obliterate through your content and then cash on its popularity.

Readers online have no patience and it is said only 20 percent of a webpage is read by them so make sure you have your content power packed in a nutshell just skimming through it should give the readers your message quickly and effectively.

The power of Learning or Gaining Knowledge:

Web users want to learn, read or hear something that empowers them with the feeling of having learnt something or acquired knowledge about and if this is done through good content that is enlightening and important for the web users then you have naturally created great content that is going to get viral.

A simple and effective way to make your content go viral is to have a share icon to facilitate sharing and it increases the contents circulation and sharing which in turn helps it ascend popularity charts of web users. Sharing buttons help content several times more effective is something of an overlooked element.

Keeping up a good length and maintaining consistency in quality is of the essence when you want to create viral content.

Another effective option is to constantly back up your content with fresher content to keep readers, followers, hooked to your content. Or at least have them visit your site, blog or video. The content should be valuable and unique or entertaining that keeps people addicted to your stuff.

Make your content attractive by adding unique features, using rich subject matter that is both useful in purpose and easy to grasp.

Keep constantly reading or gathering information about what users prefer to see, hear or read and try to build up on that. It is needless to say the web is constantly bombarded by so much material that is circulated over and over again and there are a lot of people who desperately try anything to get viral. Just being different then most desperados should also help you. Of course one thing is sure a little good fortune or lady luck on your side is also important so keep your fingers crossed after you have done your bit with great content.

So when you have mastered all the points above you can be sure you have created some winning content that can be expected to go viral.



This article is contributed by Pritam who blogs at Jobs8Home. You can find many quality tips on make money, blogging, online business etc. on his blog.

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