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How to Convert .eps to PDF in Latex ?

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If you are searching for the answer how to convert .eps to pdf in Latex then i am sure that you are working on some research paper format and want to submit that. May be you can also use this to make a document a latex where you want to include some pictures.

In LaTex, you will be able to include pictures in .eps format and you will also be able to convert it in pdf file and will be able to include the pictures in the pdf file converted by the LaTex Software.

Suppose you want to include one Matlab figure in Latex using .eps format, then just save it with the file extension .eps . In the below picture you will be able to see that how i am converting one .jpeg Matlab figure to a figure in .eps format to make it suitable for LaTex.

Now you will see that one file with .eps extension will get saved in the location where you have saved your .eps figure.

Now you need to use some common syntax to include in the LaTex file. You can use the below syntax to include the .eps figure in your LaTex file.




includegraphics[width=9 cm,height=8 cm]{yourfigurename.eps}

caption{Your Figure name}




In the above code you need to replace the yourfigurename.eps with your figure name that you have given.Also you need to keep in mind that you must not put any space in the figure name.Otherwise LaTex will not read the .eps file.

You can customize your figure height by changing the width and height.

In the caption you can put your own caption that you want.Also for label you can use your own label.

Now the important thing that you need to include in the header part of the file is


You can include this after the documentclass[conference]

usepackage{epstopdf} this instruction is to convert the .eps file to pdf file so that after running the LaTex you will also get the pdf file of your .eps file.

Now i think you are done and if you use the above instruction, you will be able to convert your .eps file to pdf file and will also be able to successfully add figure in your LaTex file.

If you have any question or doubt, you can ask me in the comments.I will surely answer your question.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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