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How to Choose the Perfect Business Server?

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When buying a computer or laptop for your business, there are many things to think about. When running a network, the type of server that you have will affect the performance and the ability of the network. Here are some considerations to make when choosing a computer server for your business.

The Type of Business:

 What type of business are you running and what do you need the servers to do? Do you want something that runs between multiple computers or just one for a computer and printer? This directly affects the amount that you need to spend and the amount you will be able to do. For example, if you want to store everything in one place, you will need a file server. If you want to connect multiple printers to the network, you will a print server.

The Business Profits:

 The amount that you spend on the server is not the only cost implication. What about the cost of running on the wrong server? You could lose out on business profits if you find that you have to use personal printers connected to each single computer instead of each running off printers designed to handle the workload of a business.

Personal printers will not be able to handle as much as business ones and while you think you save money by not buying a printer server, you may lose out on more profit by constantly having to fix it. If you decide against a file server, you may waste more time searching for files on various computers and finding out who has done the work.

Type of Database and Email Systems:

 If you have a large email system, a normal desktop computer may not be able to handle it. Everything will need to run through a server. The same applies for large databases. You will need to look into the type of servers that support all your business needs and the systems that you have in place.

However, it is important to look into the various types of servers on desktop computers. This includes dual- and quad-core processors. Depending on the size of databases and email systems, these may be perfect to help save you money.

Research the Different Vendors:

The trick is to find out more about the different vendors available. There are many companies offering computer servers for business use and they will offer the various types. However, shopping around will help you find the most reliable company, model of server and price available. You could contact the vendors directly to see if they are able to offer discounts for business use or lower their prices to match another company that you have found.

Always look into reviews about the various companies and servers available. This helps to reduce the risk of getting something that will not work or offer you everything that you need. The reviews will also explain in more detail about how the servers could help your business and if anything negative will affect you directly.

It is worth talking to the companies directly to find out more about their servers. The customer service team should go through your business requirements to help you find something that is suitable for your needs. This helps you gain something that works exactly as needed.

Maintaining the Hardware:

How will you maintain the server? Do you have enough computer knowledge to look after the hardware or will you need to hire an IT professional? Some companies will offer a maintenance package to help ensuring your server works as it should at all times while others will simply sell the products.

Take your time to shop around for computer servers. You will need to know your business needs and about the various types of servers available. Spending more money on a server may help you save money in the long-term or could be a waste of money if you fail to do your research. At the same time, think about how you will maintain your hardware and whether you have the knowledge to do this.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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