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Graph Databases: Are They the Future of Advanced Analytics for Businesses?

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Since people started using the internet, the scale of data collected by organizations around the world has increased. The data gathered from Internet sources is so much that you need an effective and efficient data management solution to maintain its accuracy. Data management isn’t as easy as it might appear to be. Suppose you want to evaluate 10-megabyte data; a document database solution won’t be suitable for accurate outcomes.

Here is where the graph database comes into the limelight. Most contemporary companies in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries have started implementing graph technology to get better data efficiency. However, there is still a vast corporate group that is unaware of its advantages and uses. So, if you are wondering whether graph databases are the future of advanced analytics for business, you’ll find your answers in this article. 

How have graph databases replaced relational databases?

Relational databases or standard databases use MySQL to store data in a table format. Different business entities and their respective data are put into an individual table, after which formulas are applied to combine them and find the correlation between various business entities. However, in the case of graph databases, you can enter large-sized files without worrying about any interruption, loss of data, or complications. As soon as you enter all the data related to various business entities, you get a graphic representation of how the entities are related to one another. And how their relationships have helped your business to grow and move forward.

The graph theory connects the missing dots to give you an actual status of your business performance. Today, most reputed and leading companies use graph databases solutions to get network and IT operations, fraud detection, employee performance, master data management, identity and access management, reverting real-time inquiries of customers, and many other functions. 

What more does a graph database solution have to offer?

The graph theory solution does not limit itself from offering business data management solutions. It helps you in imagining all possible outcomes of different connections between business entities. So, technically you have a much-expanded vision of what are the best opportunities for your business. And, what are the possible risks and threats? The graph databases allow you to rapidly analyze the potential problems in the company and its instant solutions.

Your business decision-making process becomes rapid. And there is more accuracy in the outcomes you receive. It is fair to say that graph databases services are here to stay for a long time. Neo4j is said to be the best graph database solution in the world. It is one of the finest database management solutions that is expected to gain 100% acceptance by the end of 2022.

For all new and growing companies, NoSQL database systems are beneficial to give their real-time insights on how their business is performing. So the graph representation of data will simplify understanding and connect each node to its relative entity to find out actual progress and result.

If reports are accurate, the next two years are incredibly crucial for the growth of graph databases technologies. So, how on tight to see how it helps business grow from strength to strength.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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