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Two Important Google & Gmail Tips And Tricks!

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Google & Gmail Tips are now like hot cake!There may not be a person in this ear who uses internet and does not use Google.If he is using Google then he or she must need to use the Google either for search or for mail or for chat or for Adsense or for Google Maps.So, you can imagine how important it is for us.This is also important to know the proper use of these features which are provided by Google.So, that is why i am describing two important Google & Gmail Tips and tricks.


How To Restrict Country Specific Redirection In Google Search:

Who do not know what is Google country specific redirection in Google search for those i just want to spend one line.According to your IP address or by checking the country you are using Google through your IP address Google redirects its page to some country specific location.Like if you are using Google in India then if you search with Google then it will automatically redirect you to the page

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If you are searching for a local information then it is very important but if you want to search globally then your first priority will be

So, you need to restrict Google to redirect to the local page.To do this you need to add /ncr after your desired searching url.So, if you are searching the Google page then you need to type “”.Then it will not redirect you to the local page.

So, it does not matter now where you are in the Globe, from anywhere you will be able to use Google page globally.

Use Multiple Gmail Account In One PC:


If you are a regular Google or Gmail user then it is very common that you are having more than one account in Gmail.May be one account you use for personal use and you use other account for business or professional purpose.

But you want to check mail from both the account at the same time.If you want to do so then you need to do the below steps.

1. After logging in to you Gmail account you need to select or check box the option “Stay Signed in ” option.If you do not know how to do it just go to this link Account Chooser.

2. After doing so when you will try to log in you account they will show you another account add option.Then you can add your another account and then you will be able to check mails for both accounts at the same time.

One advise is that please do not do it in a pc which is public and which is shared PC then your privacy for the mail will not be maintained.



Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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