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Google AdSense Not the Main Business But a Part of It!

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As more businesses take shape on the Internet, many new ways to make money have also appeared. One of the most popular and well-known is AdSense, a marketing platform run by Google. AdSense offers advertisers space on blogs and websites that are related to their companies. In return for the website owner placing the ads, Google and the marketers pay a fee. These fees can be based on page impressions, times the ad is clicked, or a combination of both.
The appeal of AdSense is easy to see. For the business owner, they put together a website with a blog, sell the ad space to others, and make a profit. Not only would they profit from the ads being on their space, they would be able to sell their own wares to the visitors of their page. It’s essentially free money in their eyes.
But the harsh reality is that AdSense is not a business plan nor should it be the primary means of income for any entrepreneur or business entity. This goes for the marketers as well as those hosting the ads.

For the Marketer:
Anytime someone is looking to boost their business, they must consider increasing their Internet presence. This includes updating the website, boosting social media use, and ensuring their ads are on relevant blogs and websites. In most cases, the only site considered is Google and their AdSense program.
There are dozens of high-end marketing companies that specialize in placing ads online. For the reach that Google has, these other marketing firms have mastered niche marketing. They can directly get to the customers most likely to make a purchase from your business.
Relying solely on Google puts a lot of faith in their program. If something doesn’t go right, if Google loses their servers, if they cannot deliver, all of your business goals are in their hands. It could be disastrous to your bottom line.
Yes, AdSense is a good way to add revenues and expand your marketing via the Internet, but it should not be your only vehicle towards enhancing your business online.

For the Entrepreneur:
For anyone starting a blog or a website, the lure of extra income by hosting ads is enticing. It’s a simple proposition, you host the ads on your website and get paid based on a metric such as impressions or clicks. It’s a win-win. Right?
Not really! For many people, they start a blog or website with the dream that it would become a business. They want to make a living from the love and care they put into their site, hoping to one day become independent from the doldrums of their day jobs. AdSense seems to be a step in the right direction. It’s easy to set up, easy to use, easy to get paid.
It’s also where most people stop trying to make any additional income from their websites. At this point, the page has gone from hobby to business as the goal is to make money. AdSense alone will not generate enough income to live off of consistently.
Many blog and website owners combine AdSense with other programs, such as affiliate marketing, direct sales, books, DVDs, programs, and other products. AdSense is a part of the process, but only a small part.
The message is the same for both sides: Google’s AdSense is a good program, but it is not a business plan. It should not be the backbone of a business, nor should it be the only means of marketing or revenue. It’s a great tool, but it’s only a tool.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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