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Four Big Social Media Marketing Mistakes

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Social media is a necessary part of marketing nowadays, so you may as well make the best of it! Some businesses jump into social media marketing without really knowing how to use it strategically. If you’re wondering why your marketing campaign hasn’t been getting the results you want, you could be making one of these four social media marketing mistakes.

Not Being Consistent:

Many businesses think that as long as they have a Facebook page, their work is basically done for them. However, with social media you really need to make sure you’re consistently updating your information and posting new press releases, articles, videos, and other engaging content. A poorly run social media strategy almost always means a lack of posts and updates.

Ignoring Comments and Feedback:

Social media works both ways when it comes to comments. It’s great for businesses to connect with customers and have them comment on various aspects of the business through Facebook or Twitter, but those comments need to be addressed by the business as well. If someone follows you on Twitter, send them a reply and thank them. If someone posts a great review of your business on Facebook, comment on it. One of the great benefits of social media is that you can engage with customers; take advantage of this!

Displaying Boring Content:

Nobody uses social media because they want to read or watch advertisements. Make sure that the content you’re posting on social media platforms is engaging and promotes your business through building relationships rather than selling a product. Social media is a chance to build a customer base through engaging and entertaining content. Don’t forget that people can stop paying attention to you with one click, so you really need to keep them interested.

Not Approaching Each Platform Individually:

It’s easy to only create one update and then have it posted on each of the social networks you’re using. But why not try something more creative and approach each site more individually. This way, you can find out what type of content works best for each site and you can get the most out of your networks, rather than just bombarding your followers with repetition. Make sure people know where they can find your different networks, of course, but make sure your updates cater to the benefits of each separate platform. If you’re making any of these mistakes, try something new! From lack of consistency to treating each platform the same, these mistakes are easy to fix.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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