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Eye-catching Accessories for Your Phone

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If you’re a fan of the bling lifestyle, there’s no doubt you know that phones should be accessorized too. Whether you own an iPhone or an Android, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be eye-catching as the things you own. If you’re looking for new accessories or ideas on how to dress up your mobile gadget, below are items you should know about:

Phone Case

Nowadays, mobile phones are considered more as a need than a want because there are a lot of things that can be accomplished using it – communicating, sending emails, buying stuff and more. If it’s a smartphone, it’s bound to cost a few hundred dollars so why not splurge more to protect it and give it some of your personality?

Depending on the budget you’re willing to put in, there are plenty of Android or iPhone cases out there that will suit your needs. There are even designer cases to match high-end designer labels guaranteed to catch the eyes of high fashion techies. There are even others with external battery packs in case your phone runs out of juice.

Power Bank

The Achilles’ heel of phones or any mobile gadget for that matter is its battery life. Despite today’s technological advances, phones still need to be recharged from time to time. For those on the go, charging stations are only a few and in between so getting a power bank is inevitable.

While portable power banks have become a necessity, it doesn’t mean they should always look big and bulky. It should also go with the entire aesthetics of your phone and even purse because charging on the go means being able to use your phone even with the power bank.


Listening to music or podcasts is often a great way to travel enjoyably or do something more productive while going to a destination. That is why headphones are a must-have accessory for any music lover or those who have long commutes. There are many types of headphones out there that cater to ear comfort, wireless, designed for sound, stylish, and any combination of the aforementioned qualities.

Car Holder

With car holders and mounts, staying connected is possible. Sometimes it is necessary to have the phone nearby when driving because it gives directions or shows which route to go to avoid traffic. While car mounts aren’t as eye-catching as other phone accessories, it is possibly one of the most convenient ones to have around.

Before getting one, remember to take note that there are states with windshield-obstruction laws. This means that there should be no objects, items, or materials that should be displayed or placed on the windshield. However, there are car holders that can be mounted on the front air conditioning vent so if your state does not allow it, get those instead.

Camera Lens

Those who have phones that take ample-quality photos will be glad to know that there are mobile camera lens that can be used to upgrade your selfie or photo taking game. Sure, there are phones with high-quality cameras but not everyone can afford it. What’s more is that these accessories have many types of lenses including wide-angle, 180-degree, fisheye lenses, and more.

It’s true that mobile phones are becoming smarter and smarter with each passing year but there are still so many things that it cannot do. While they make our lives easier, using it with accessories make it even more useful to us. What are some of the top mobile phone accessories you use every day? Sound off in the comments section.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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