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Electronic Cigarettes And The Environment

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Tobacco smoking is not only linked to multiple health concerns but also has a negative impact in the environment. With the introduction of smoking ban legislation, non-smokers are protected from the harmful effects of tobacco in indoor spaces. However, cigarette butts remain a major waste problem. Smokers are still discarding their used cigarettes outside the designated areas, littering the streets with butts. Most people are not aware of the repercussions that cigarette butts can have in our habitat.  Some believe that a small cigarette butt can’t cause too much harm and others assume that it is ok to flick their cigarette butts on the ground, simply because others do so.

Why are cigarette butts an environmental concern?

There are multiple factors that make cigarette butts a threat to the environment. It may be hard to believe that something rather small, can be so harmful. However, if we consider the astronomic amount of cigarette butts that are littered every year all around the world, the magnitude of the issue becomes clear. The below are the main points that every environmentally conscious person (smoker or non smoker) should take into account when it comes to spent cigarettes disposal.

They are not Biodegradable:

Many people mistakenly assume that the base of the cigarette (the part known as filter) is made of cotton. The fact is that cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate, which is a form of plastic. This can take more than a decade to

They are Filled with Toxic Components:

During the time that it takes for a cigarette butt to degrade, it is releasing toxins such as tar in the ground. Rain and wind can carry the butt to waterways, which has devastating consequences to aquatic ecosystems. In fact, cigarette filters have been found in the stomach of whales, birds, fish and other sea life wildlife.

They Pose a Fire Hazard :

Discarded butts are the cause of many forest fires, destroying vegetation and wildlife, while negligent indoor smoking, has killed and injured thousands in the United States alone.

Smokers’ Responsibility and Safer Smoking Alternatives for the Environment :

Knowing the consequences that cigarette butts can have in the environment is the first
step to change smokers’ attitude towards cigarette litter. The more we know about the damaging effect that this type of littering has, the more hesitant we would be to toss a cigarette butt in the street. However, it is also important to understand that smokers need to find convenient ways to be responsible with the environment. Stopping smoking would be the ideal solution but it is not an easy one. If you are not able to make this change yet, you should at least opt for an alternative that is safer for the environment and others around you.

Why are Electronic Cigarettes more Eco-friendly?:

Although electronic cigarettes are still controversial in terms of the health implications they may carry, they offer clear advantages over tobacco products, in terms of their impact in the environment:

– The majority of electronic cigarettes are reusable, which helps to minimize the pollution caused by discarded butts.

– They are battery powered and can be charged via USB, which means also less waste coming from discarded matches and used

– Since they don’t produce smoke but vapor, they don’t pollute the air and are less risky for non-smokers.

– Many smokers discard their butts or leave a trail of ashes, with the excuse of lack of ashtrays. Electronic cigarettes don’t produce ashes, so ashtrays are not required.

– Electronic cigarettes are not flammable.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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