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Eight Types of People who Will Use Smartwatches

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Many years ago, people started to adopt wristwatches and stopped using the less practical pocket watches. Wristwatches were considered more practical and it has become an integral part of modern fashion. Jump forward to a century later, wristwatches will soon be replaced by its much improved version, the smartwatches. Manufacturers of these wearable devices may consider targeting these eight types of people to increase their sales:

1. Social Media Addicts:

Accessing and using social media networks on smartwatches can be more practical. Users can get latest updates and send brief notification alerts through Facebook, Twitter and other networks from their smartwatches. It requires only simple taps to interact with social network features. In terms of social media usages, smartwatches may soon be in pole position.

2. Attention Seekers:

Many of us are simply shameless egomaniacs! Normal wristwatches are no longer appealing to average men or women. They are often expensive and often can only give us basic time and date information. Latest smartwatch models can bring attention to wearers, because these wearables are so functional, slim and weight.

3. Lazy People:

Smartwatches are perfect for people who are too lazy to even pick smartphones from their pocket. Flicking our wrist simply requires much less effort than reaching into our trousers.

4. People who have Fear of Missing Out:

FOMO (fear of missing out) is what youngsters say about the habit to follow trend. Smatwatches should keep our FOMO at bay with their versatile features and impressive designs.

5. Health Enthusiasts:

Because smartwatches come in contact with our skin, they may open up all kinds of possibility for tracking our health condition. They can monitor our blood sugar levels, blood pressure and heart rate. From fitness and health perspective, the data may make a huge difference and could even save our lives.

6. Travelers:

Ask any traveler we know if they think the battery life of their smartwatches is adequate. Their answer will likely be “no”. Latest smartphone models are equipped with high-resolution display, without putting high-speed processor into the equation; the screen alone already consumes half of battery juice in one charge. Travelers can pick up call from their smartwatches, get basic navigation direction and run travel-related apps. Smartwatches have much smaller display and more efficient processor, meaning; we will get better battery life.

7. Gadget Lovers:

Inspector Gadget and Dick Tracy warm us up to the smartwatch concept from a long time ago. They communicated with gadgets on their wrists. Finally, such a technology actually exists among us.

8. Workaholics:

Sooner or later, our companies will ask us to wear smartwatches. Bosses want us to keep connected to people in the office while we are in a business trip. Smartwatches are actually the newest weapon of mass coordination. It would be less intrusive to check emails sent by the office to get latest updates while we are discussing or having dinner with clients.

Actually, these are only a few possible capabilities of smartwatches. These wearables also allow us to get football scores and other information.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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