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How I have Earned Thousand Dollars from Fiverr Using My Blog?

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Earning money is a very difficult task. But when it comes to online money earning it becomes more difficult. But if you know the right tactics, you can earn money online without burning the midnight oil. Here in this article I am going to tell you, how I have earned thousand dollars from Fiverr using my blog and still counting. In this method, in some cases, all I had to do is simply copy and paste.

How the Option of Earning from Fiverr Came to My Mind?

I remember those days, when there were not much option available to sell your ad spaces. Though I was displaying “Advertise in my blog” page in my blog but it needed some extra exposure. So, I was looking for option to promote my ad spaces. I had reached out to some of the top bloggers about how they sell their ad spaces. They had suggested me some good option like BuySellAds. But getting approved for BuySellAds is very difficult and needs thousands of organic visitors. So, I was looking for alternative options and then found the micro freelancing site Fiverr (Sign up for Fiverr here). 

Recommended: 20 Ways To Make Money From Home In 2018

While browsing the site I had found that people are trying to sell their services in exchange of a small price. I though why not I sell my ad spaces here? So, I had taken the action and started my first gig in Fiverr to sell my ad space just for $5 for 1 week. At first I had created Gig in Fiverr and then displayed banner like “Advertise Here” and liked it back to my Fiverr Gig. As a result, when someone had visited my blog and had seen the advertise banner and clicked on it, they were redirected to my Fiverr gig. Since then I have earner thousand USD from Fiverr and still counting.

From the picture above, you can see that my net income from Fiverr is USD 1316. Not bad aye! To earn those bucks all I had to do is to display others ad in my website or social media pages. In return they had got visitors to their business and got additional exposure. As the service was good so far, I had got good review as well.

Some of My Gigs in Fiverr:

Right now I am promoting 7 Gigs in total in Fiverr. All my Gigs are related to advertising in my blog and 2 are posting article in my blog. You can have a look at some of my Gigs below to get a better Idea:

Tricks to Create Gigs in Fiverr:

As the competition is huge in Fiverr. There are thousand buyers and if you want to stand out of those buyers and their ads, you will have to use some tricks to sell your own product. To stand out of the crowd, you will have to create a gig with –

How to Promote Your Gig or Profile?

Creating a gig is not the end of the world. You will have to promote your gig first as you do not have a lot of good reviews at first. So, to get exposure you can –

If you want to cash some extra revenue from your blog or website, you can simply Sign up for Fiverr here and start earning money with minimum to no extra effort. You can always sell your other skills if you have any like writing articles or whatever you choose. Please spread this information with your friends. If you have any question, please feel free to drop a comment. I will definitely reply. Happy blogging!


Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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