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Custom MacBook Skins Are A Practical And Beautiful Addition To Your Laptop

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MacBook users really love their MacBooks. Ask anyone whose laptop computing is done on a Mac, and you’ll find out pretty quickly that a MacBook is a Mac user’s best friend. And why wouldn’t they be? They’re slick and modern. They’re tough and durable. They’re quick, reliable and user friendly. Once you’ve gotten used to the convenience of a portable Mac computer that goes everywhere with you and does everything you need it to, you’ll quickly realize that you want to take the best possible care of your precious techbaby. Fortunately, there are many ways to do that, such as regular maintenance, high-quality laptop bags and custom MacBook skins to keep your MacBook in peak condition.

Adding to the Strength of Your MacBook:

Macs are known for their reliability and durability. Nearly every MacBook user has one hair-raising story of a dropped computer, a toppled heavy object, or some other horrible near-disaster that seems like it should have put a premature end to their laptop computing days. But MacBooks are more survivable that you’d think for such a small and complex machine. They’re built to survive, so why not help them out? Custom MacBook skins are an inexpensive way to protect your laptop from nicks, scrapes, scratches and spills.

MacBooks at Home:

Even people who are notoriously careless with their possessions are cautious with their laptop computers, so how do custom MacBook skins help to prolong the life of a laptop computer? Well, the unfortunate fact is that accidents are just that: accidents. Nobody plans for their child to use their MacBook as a frisbee or a drink holder. Nobody thinks their spouse is going to knock over a vase right on top of their laptop. Your desk at home can be a surprisingly hazardous place! Custom MacBook skins may not make your computer invincible, but they sure help when the chaos of real life kicks in.

Survival Out in the World:

But of course your home isn’t the only place where your MacBook may be in danger of minor damage. Laptop computers are prized for their portability. The MacBook Air especially is designed to leave home with you, and come back at the end of the day none the worse for wear. But the office is just as full of laptop hazards as your home. Careless co-workers and stray office supplies can scratch and dent your MacBook if it’s left unprotected. Checking your email at a coffee house can expose your high-tech friend to an alarming array of splashes and spills. Custom MacBook skins can help with these hazards, although it’s still not recommended to have an open laptop in the same vicinity as a meal or open beverage!

Express Yourself:

Custom MacBook skins are a very practical thing to have, but that’s quite often not the real reason people buy them. What could be as compelling a reason as protecting your wonderful (but expensive) MacBook? Well, look at some of the skins out there! They’re gorgeous. They range from bright, sunny neon colours to slick, professional blacks and metallics. There are elegant, artistic skins to add a splash of colour to your world. There are skins that proclaim your favourite band or sports team. When you think about it, you’ve already done a lot to customize your MacBook. You’ve got a wallpaper that makes you smile and a desktop configuration that you could almost use in your sleep. Why not let a custom MacBook skin make your computer as “you” on the outside as it is on the inside?

Other Ways to Keep Your MacBook Safe:

Custom MacBook skins help keep your laptop as shiny and clean as the day it was bought, but they’re not the only safety measure out there. Cleaning out your keyboard with an air can on a regular basis will help keep crumbs and dust from working their way into places where they can cause damage. Using screen cleaner every day will protect your screen from scratches and smudges. If you must move your laptop while it’s open, hold it firmly with both hands. And, of course, never get your laptop out in messy situations. Food, water, paint and random debris are not good for your MacBook!

Your MacBook is like a friend to you, so you should treat it like you would a solid friendship… use caution, care and a bit of extra love when you handle it… and find yourself a snazzy custom MacBook skin to help keep it safe!

Jonah Wilbur

This article was written by Jonah Wilbur, who loves custom macbook skins and has a great time collecting them.

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