Category: How To Do
Are you thinking about creating some absolutely killer video content for a blog in the hope that it will help attract a wider audience, interest more people and ultimately convert them into regular visitors? The right video content can certainly accomplish all those goals – but to create that content can be challenging. If you want …
A lot of people have recently complained that iTunes, a digital audio player from Apple, freezes as soon as they connect an iPhone or other iOS-based device. It’s quite frustrating since there is no much information available at the support knowledge base. If you’re running into this issue and need to overcome iTunes Freezing in Windows …
Most of the articles on internal link building tips starts with the discussion how important the subject is and how difficult is to implement it in actual practices. If doing in a right way constantly, it is a simple concept that every internet marketer should use it. The theory, process, and actual practices of building internal links …
After a small nap in the afternoon I grabbed my second iPhone to check some for some old pictures in that iPhone and found the phone is dead. When I pressed the power button, the iPhone screen showing iTunes logo while starting up. The USB cable connection sign was also there. I got scared! I did not …
We all know the importance of a dofollow backlink from a high page authority (PA) and domain authority (DA) site. But this is not always easy to get a dofollow backlink from a high PA & DA site. One single dofollow backlink from a high PA and DA site can change the page ranking of your …
Speaking English and writing it as an article is entirely different. It is quite natural if you make some error while writing English. But you cannot leave your articles with an error. If you are writing the article for someone, you will have to make it correct by any means. Here comes the need of a …
I started my blogging in a free blogspot platform with a blog related to telecommunication news. After a year, when I had found that blogging is my passion, I decided to switch to WordPress. But to use WordPress I had to buy my own hosting plan. I was a bit confused about which hosting plan to …
According to the Google’s senior vice president Sundar Pichai, there are more than 750 million monthly active users of Google Chrome till date. People want to make Google chrome default internet browser to experience a better browsing experience. I know this is a really easy task for a tech savvy person to make Google Chrome default …
In a previous article, I have explained about how to double the number of subscriber of your blog and the article link is How I have Doubled the Number of Subscriber of My Blog. In this article I will be explaining how to send newsletter to blog subscribers automatically. This article will also cover the tricks about …
Considering the number of mobile user around the world, this is really important to make WordPress blog mobile friendly. While checking my website stats, I always discover than more than 30% users of my blog are reading my blog on their mobile device. This is a known fact that the mobile users are increasing rapidly and …
This is really easy to install premium WordPress theme for your blog. Most of the people who are blogging using the WordPress platform know the easy tips. But my post is for those who are new to WordPress and does not know how to install a premium WordPress theme for their blog. The target readers of …