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Blogging for Beginners- Tips to Make Your Blog Stand Out

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Blogging has become very popular recently. More and more people who are into writing have started a blog. For some, it can be an extra opportunity to earn income, whereas for others it’s merely a form of self-expression or a medium for them to get an advocacy out to the world.

Whatever reason you have in your heart for wanting to start a blog, you have to find ways to elevate your blog above the rest due to the thousands of blogs all over the Internet right now. Here are tips for beginners on how to make your blog stand out! (Remember: A blog that stands out will have a steady influx of readers!)

Study Other Blogs and Research 

Studying other blogs doesn’t mean copying them. Don’t get into blogging when you don’t even know how others, who have been there before you, do it. If you can interview/talk to other bloggers, be open to ask them for helpful tips. You can also do your research on websites like to gain insights on how to start and run a successful blog.

Make Your Headlines Enticing

A catchy headline/title is what gets you to read articles in the newspaper or magazine. It works the same way with your blog. When your topic is interesting, people are lured into reading your content and explore your blog some more. Take note, though, never to make your headline misleading. It should always be related to the topic that you wish to convey.

Another way to catch the attention of your readers is to incorporate keywords into your headline. When a keyword is placed strategically in your headline/title, there are higher chances that your blog comes up in the results when a reader searches for a topic using such keyword.

Some other tips on how to make your headlines enticing include the following:

Choose Interesting Topics

Don’t write about outdated, boring, and over discussed topics. Think: What would you like to read? Fresh and new content would most likely be what other users are looking for. Your chosen subjects should matter to your readers, solve a problem, or inspire them. Study and research on what it is that Internet users would like to talk or read about, and center your content along with that line – of course, don’t forget to incorporate those topics that interest you as well! Correctly choosing your material will help increase your blog’s talk worthiness ratings.

Some tips when choosing topics include the following:

Have a Well-Designed Blog

Your blog should be neat, professional, clean, and easy to maneuver around. When your blog looks professional, readers tend to “trust” you more as they will instantly feel like you’re committed to blogging and you’re an expert in your field. Your text should be easily readable, and your paragraphs short but concise.

Some other tips to make your blog look professional include the following:

Be Unique

Your writing style should be uniquely you. Don’t try too hard to follow, copy, or conform to how other bloggers are writing. Your readers will love and remember you for your style of writing and the voice that you speak. If the topic that you wish to write about is out of this world (or is the unpopular view), let it out in a unique way, like perhaps through storytelling or humorous points.

Be Responsive to Your Readers

Your readers are spending their precious time reading your content. They could’ve been spending that time reading another person’s blog instead. Appreciate your readers by being responsive. When your readers comment on your blog, take time to respond. Whenever you can, ask them as well what content they’d like to read. Doing this will make your readers feel like you value them, just as they value your content, too.

Add Images and Videos

You’ll bore your readers if all they see is a page full of text. Remember how you also prefer to read a book with visuals? When you think of visuals, don’t just limit yourself to pictures. Be open minded about attaching videos, too, as doing so boost the attractiveness of your post.

Be Original

Maintaining originality is self-explainable. Be yourself. Do not imitate the content of someone else.

Be Consistent

Post regularly. Refrain from suddenly going MIA as this can hurt your blog’s ratings. Human beings are creatures of habit, and when they find your content valuable, they would check your blog for new posts. It could be very disappointing if they come to your blog expecting new content and you haven’t posted one. If you can, maintain a consistent schedule. Readers also like it when they feel like you’re there with a long-term plan, rather than suddenly falling silent.

Link and Mention Other Blogs

Remember that you’re not pursuing the same interest and hobby as other bloggers to compete with them. You should treat them like family. Don’t hesitate to link other blogs with content relating to what you are writing. By doing this, you also let others know that “you exist.”

Be Passionate

Love what you do. Don’t just think about the income that you can get from blogging. You have to have a purpose that doesn’t only center on money. Think of the lives you can change by inspiring them and putting your thoughts out there.


These tips can help you get a good start if you haven’t already begun blogging. Whenever you get tired (or confused about what to write), keep asking yourself why you started in the first place. Get going, be inspired and start writing!

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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