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Beginners ! 3 Possible Ways to Get Website

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Many people today, may it be business or corporation, or people, they are always wanting a website for personal use, selling products or anything really. And one problem that many people face is: “How do I make my website?” Well, there are literally unlimited ways to create your website. And I will give you my top 3 ways to create a website:

3. Doing it from Scratch:

Making a website from complete scratch is probably one of the hardest things to do. It requires the knowledge of two main programming languages: HTML and CSS. This can take a long time to master.  Once you master HTML and CSS, to make your site interactive, you would have to learn JavaScript, which could take even longer to master.

The benefit of making a website from complete scratch is that for one you can customize it any way you want without restriction, you don’t have to worry about any bloated code left behind from the software, and you do not have to worry about any water marks left behind afterwards. You will have to go for this option if you have enough coding knowledge.

2. Use Software :

Using software is the easiest way to create a website. Nearly all website builders are WYSIWYG, or What You See Is What You Get. With website builders, you can easily have your website built and up in running in a matter of minutes.

However, there are some downsides to this. For one, yes it is easy, but nearly all website building software leaves behind watermarks, unneeded code and customization and interactive-ness will be highly limited. Overall, I recommend this method

I do recommend software for the people who have no experience with coding, or even know what programming is. But, software does have its limitations; design and compatibility only go so far with software.

 1. Do It By Yourself Using WordPress: (The best option and recommended!)

Yes, this is how I started my website and you can also get yours. The method is plain and simple. Choose one domain name (which is relevant to your blog or website) and choose one great hosting plan with a reliable online hosting company. I have bought my domain and hosting plan from Hostgator. The plan I bought was Hostgator hatchling plan as that one was the perfect match for my requirement. You can also read the blog post Best WordPress Hosting for Beginners  A Beginners Guide.

After buying the Hostgator plan you will be able to install a WordPress theme inside the HostGator cPanel. The installation is a one click installation. I have done a big mistake while choosing the theme for my blog. I started my blog with a default WordPress theme which is free. But the free themes are not SEO optimized and does not load very fast. If you customize, the themes become slower which is not good for your website visitors. Then I switch from a free WordPress theme to a premium theme. I choose the TruePixel theme from MyThemeShop which is SEO friendly, mobile friendly and loads faster. Also Adsense optimized. So, the best thing is to start your blog with a premium WordPress theme.To post article you can read the article A Beginners Guide to WordPress Know from the Very Beginning  .

To monetize your website or blog read Ways To Make Money With Your Blog !

You can read about my next blogging challenge My Next Blogging Challenge to Sell the First Affiliate Product  to get an idea about which method is the best method to earn from your blog.

If you want to customize anything in your WordPress blog, you can learn WordPress Twenty Eleven Customizing Tips and Tricks

Route 66 to Start Blogging: Which Blogging Platform to Choose? is an article where I have described how I started my own blog.  

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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