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5 Quick Ways To Get More Traffic To Facebook Profile

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With the advent of new technologies and the widespread use of social media, many changes have been created in the manner that we relate to others. One of these changes is related to “popularity” because it is not enough just to have an account on social networking sites, what is important is to be more popular among your friends. The number of people who visits your profile or in social media profile judges your fame in social networks: “traffic on your profile” is what matters.

Here are 5 quick ways to get more traffic to your Facebook profile and become a celebrity on Facebook:

1. Find More Friends on Facebook: 
Ever wondered what happened to your first love at school or your best friend? The popular social network allows you to find them and find out how they are now, of course, provided they have an account. In this way, you can find people who you never thought would be possible to connect with.
This activity of finding more friends is a classical way of driving more traffic to your profile as it is not only your friends who visit it, but also their friends, provided the settings allow that. Having more friends on the social platform can be a sign of popularity. Besides, it would be much more fun to share your activities with more friends.

2. Play More On Facebook :
One sure shot way to make friends and thereby increase visitors is to dedicate “body and soul” to dominate a popular game like Farmville or Pet Society. It will be useful to exchange items or invite them to visit your farms or homes, or similar activities depending what Facebook games you enjoy playing.

3. Create and Join Groups on Facebook :

Facebook allows you to create closed groups to share posts with specific people or contacts that you want. It is very beneficial to create or subscribe to other groups that are similar to your business category. You can also create and join a social network group that is publicly accessible.
If you are a fan of any blog, newspaper, sports club or television series, you always have the opportunity to comment on the news that they offer and thus initiate an interesting discussion with other people who are also its fans. A good review can make a good impression and arouse interest in people to meet you.

4. Discuss Publications Page On Facebook:
Another quick way to get popularity on Facebook is to share good publications. Therefore, apart from having a large number of friends, you must dedicate yourself to create appropriate discussions of interest to potential target audience.

5. Create Applications:
Facebook gives you the opportunity to submit your own applications to have thousands of friends and fans of your application or game. You just have to have programming skills and imagination. Custom made applications can attract a huge traffic to your Facebook profile and further you efforts of promotion.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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