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5 Outstanding Ways to Identify and Solve Your Readers Problem

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Let’s go for a ride. . . 

. . . Having been writing on his notebook for close to an hour with no success – He stands up in utter frustration, walks up to his laptop and starts it back to life amid plugging his modem. He goes straight to his favorite site. . .clicks the site’s search bar and types “how to overcome writers’ block” – since this is practically the problem he has been battling with since morning  . . . He looks down on the screen to see an annoying:

“No search query found”.

Devastated and tired – he turns to Google and repeats the same keywords; Google displays some lists of search result, and he clicks . . . . .  . . . . . . .

Now, back to the reality. . . . . Identify and Solve Problem your readers problem.

 Do you know this is exactly how you lose avid readers of your blog every day? This is really important to identify those points for which you are loosing readers. This is time to identify and solve problem your readers problem.

When you don’t know your readers problem or when you don’t have a system set up to identify their problem – then, this type of story above will keep repeating itself.

Just like this story above I’ve come to understand that humans are prone to problems on a daily basis. This literally makes them cling to anything entirely that will bring solution to their problems.

It is vital for us as bloggers to signal out a very subtle approach for us to use in finding our readers problems and solving them.

What exactly will happen when you’re constantly solving integral readers’ problems on your site??

You’ll have:

 People are more likely to visit your blog on a continuous rate when they see that your blog posts are full of answers to their problems. I call this the “MAGNETIC” effect of blogging. When you solve problems; readers will respond positively. When readers respond positively – traffic will increase maximally. Here you will get 9 Killer Tips to Get Traffic for Website.

 Visitors coming to your site will not only increase – the time they stay on your blog will also increase, thereby causing your blog to have a very good bounce rate.

For those who don’t know what “bounce rate” means – it is the number of seconds or minutes visitors stay on a blog before they leave.  So, when your blog solves potential problems that readers encounter on a daily – they will in turn stay longer on your site just to learn more.

Not only will your blog bounce rate increase – but your readers will also keep coming back for more. When your blog has “problem solving” posts; when it contains post that are “understandable” to the core – then expect readers to be attached to your blog’s every update. This will definitely increase search engine traffic to your blog. I have a problem solving post WordPress Vs Blogger, which Gives the Best Blogging Experience? which drives a lot of traffic to my blog.

Well, this one is pretty obvious – When one of your blog posts solves a pressing problem for “Mr A” and “Mr B”. They may likely share the blog post with their huge twitter, facebook and LinkedIn followers.

Let’s imagine that “Mr A” and “Mr B” twitter followers combined is up to an outstanding 700,000 followers.

Sharing your blog post on twitter signifies that your blog has been exposed to an audience of at least 400,000 active people. And of course traffic will roll in. You can read the article How I have Doubled the Number of Subscriber of My Blog.

So now that you know the benefits of solving your readers problems, it’s now imperative for me to let you know “how and where” to find and solve these redundant problems.

Below are 7 outstanding ways to solve your readers’ problems-

1.   Solve Your Own Problems :

 This is actually the simplest way to know your reader’s problems. When you have a problem, where do you look for the solution? Search Google for it? Search your favorite blogs for it? Go through Quora and Yahoo! Answer for it? Well the hard truth is – your blog readers are also doing same thing. Almost every time I used to write one post when I face one problem and solve it.

How do you maximize and reduce the number of readers going to other places for answers?

Simple – when you have a problem, don’t just solve it and move on. Instead put the solution in a blog post and publish it on your blog so that it will benefit those readers with similar problems. This is a post of this kind : Play YouTube Video in VLC Media Player Directly

How to Go About It:

The best way to go about this exercise now – is to identify and jot down problems which have led you once to search engine. Problems which led you to forums, problems that gave you migraines before you found the way to solve it.

Unknowingly to you – all these are problems a lot of your readers are experiencing now. Try your best to solve these problems on your blog and you’ll see a sudden change in readers’ interactivity.

 2.   Hunt For Problems In Search Referrals :

Ever wondered what problem some of your “new readers” typed on search engines before they were referred to your site?

If you can get this questions above answered – then you’ve single-handedly found the “keywords” readers typed in search engines that led them to your blog; those typed keywords  can shade light on the area where they might be experiencing problems.

So how can you know the specific keywords that brought readers to your blog?

There are some stats packages online – both free and paid stat software, which you can use to know the common keywords that brought readers to your blog. I’ll be listing just 2:

This plug-in, it’s running it’ll begin collecting information about your page views, which posts and pages are the most popular, where your traffic is coming from, and what people click on when they leave. It’ll also add a link to your dashboard which allows you to see all your stats on a single page –   WordPress Team.

Lijit’s audience analytics provide meaningful and actionable statistics to develop better content and build deeper relationships with your audience. Our easy-to-understand analytics are displayed in a real-time dashboard tailored to you and the Lijit services that you use.

Find out where your readers are coming from and what they’re searching for. Reader widgets include up-to-the-minute data on reader geography as well as search engines and terms that drive readers to your site. –  Lijit Team

Using these two stat packages, you’ll learn and get to know exactly where your readers are coming from, and what keywords or query -“exactly” brought them to your blog. Then from knowing those keywords you can get to know their present problem. 

3.    Ask Readers For Questions :

Another awesome method that can work pretty well is to ask readers to tell you about the problems and difficulties which they encounter everyday.

There are so many strategies you can employ which will ginger readers to respond maximally to your question.

These are one of the 2 ways you can do that awesomely:

If you wrote a post titled: “Ways to Improve Your Writing” – why not ask your readers to chip in the problem they have presently that’s connected to writing?  Try it out and watch readers give you invaluable answers which you can base on from time to time in answering to their writing needs.

Send them an email asking them whether they have any problems presently which haven’t been covered on your blog. Cajole them nicely and they might end up giving you a few “problem-solving posts” to write about.

We all know that, “Forums are the hub of problems and solutions”. My blog readers go there, same with yours. All in the quest to find solutions to their pressing problems which they might have searched your blog and saw no solution related to the problem.

So they end up in forums and groups – asking their forum mate to help them with answers which your blog (their favorite) couldn’t produce.

 How can you minimize the possibility of this occurrence?

First of all – locate some group of forums that are likely the place your readers are clinging to. The ones below might help you start this part of the exercise easily.

Secondly, register and go through the sections which your readers are likely to be devouring for answers. Then thirdly – Copy out problems (pertaining to your niche) from that section and paste them on your notepad.

Then finally – research vehemently about those pasted cuts and make sure to produce a wonderful guide which solves their problems maximally.

These are 12 awesome forums which your readers are likely using to get their problems answered. Register in a few of them get your readers back to your blog in no time.

 Cheat tip:

After you must have written out some answers to those problems you copied out, make sure to link to that specific place where you copied out the problem question from.

Just notify the “solution seeker” that you’ve solved it -leave a link behind for him or her. This will definitely boost your traffic considerably.

 5.   Ask Questions From Close Friends :

This doesn’t hurt you know, since your “close friends” know you in totality. Why not ask them to let you in on their most recent problem?

Note: This will work more efficiently if the “close friend” is an avid reader of your blog.

Just tell them to list the problems which they have practically had to search for on search engines for, or go through forums for, before they got the solution.

Once you’ve gotten the problems they’re experiencing, write up posts that solve it in an easy to understand manner.

Hope this post was interesting? Do you have a far better way to know your readers problem? Any strategy, plug-in or tip you know that we don’t?  Why not let us know in the comment section. . .

Please don’t forget to share this post if you like it.

Kingsley Agu

Kingsley Agu is a weird freelance writer and the editor of If you are looking to grow your business, generate better leads and improve sales, then hire Kingsley to write quality and persuasive contents for you.

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