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5 Important Things Your Website Design Must Do And Why It’s Crucial

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Everyone thinks their content is the most important part of their website. Without great content they have no business, or that is what they think. They don’t realize that without a great design it will really limit the amount of success they achieve. I don’t want you to be like them because it’s not worth it. You don’t want to start banging your head against the wall because you never make any decent money.

Before I start, I just want to tell you that content is important. Now that we’ve got that out of the way we can look at why your design must be great. The easiest way to explain that is by looking at what it must do. Once you know what your design is trying to achieve you will know why it’s crucial, but you will also know how to tweak it in order to see the best results.

It’s Meant to Turn People into Customers:

It’s a beautiful thing when someone lands on your website and a few minutes later you get a notice from PayPal informing you they have just bought your product. You become addicted to it and you’re lucky because there is an easy way to keep getting your fix. Just use your design to help turn visitors into customers. You can do this by making your product easy to find, and also by getting visitors to sign up to your email list if they don’t want to buy something straight away.

It’s Meant to Get People to Trust You:

Some websites don’t look trustworthy and there is no way you would give them your credit card information. Can you imagine how many things they’d be buying using your details as soon as you handed them over? Getting people to trust you isn’t exactly hard because unless you do something ridiculous you can’t screw it up. Make sure your website looks attractive from a professional point of view and 99% of your visitors won’t be scared of buying from you.

It’s Meant to Make them Happy:

I bet your favorite websites make you feel happy as soon as you land on them. It’s the complete opposite when you land on sites you don’t like the look of because you can’t wait to turn around and walk away. Everyone will have different tastes so it’s very difficult to tell you how to make people happy, but there is an easy way to cheat. Go around the popular websites in your niche and take some inspiration from them without ripping them off.

It’s Meant to Guide Them in the Right Direction:

Can you imagine what it must feel like to be blind? You could walk in circles for ages because you can’t see where you’re going. I get the impression some people try to do this to their visitors. It’s like they make all the important pages impossible to find. When people land on a site they can see what they’re doing, but they have no idea where they are and where they’re going. Pay very close attention to the site’s navigation and you won’t go wrong.

It’s Meant to Help them Remember You:

When someone is trying to think of a website you want them to think of your one. They definitely shouldn’t be thinking about one of your competitor’s and the only way you can stop that from happening is by giving them something to remember you by. They should want to tell their friends about you because your design is great. How can you stand out without going overboard? It’s not easy, but if it was I’m sure everyone would be successful.

Shruti Vaghe

Shruti Vaghe, the author of todays guest post, is a freelance blogger, who often writes for PenTech Consulting, a company providing all CT SEO customers with a technical keyword optimization, link building and content writing. She enjoys blogging to share her views and opinions with readers on search engines. You can also follow her on Twtter @ShrutiVaghe.

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