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5 Crucial tips to Help You in Link Building after Penguin Update

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Google is constantly updating its search engine algorithms in order to provide its users with relevant search results and to improve their experience on their website. However, those are updates are rarely as major as the Penguin update which was introduced in April, 2012. This update shocked many SEO experts, because it rendered many SEO techniques useless despite the fact that its main purpose was to get rid of black hat SEO methods.

Of course, Google Penguin just made SEO more difficult, but not impossible. SEO experts worldwide needed just a couple of weeks to come up with new methods that can drastically improve any website’s ranking after the Penguin update. If you are not an expert, but you want to learn more about these methods, then keep on reading, because I’ll share five of the most helpful post-Penguin SEO tips.

May be you can like my article which explains about the top link building strategies.

1. Social Media Is More Important Than Ever:

Everyone who is even mildly familiar with SEO knows that social media websites play an important role in search engine optimization. This is why it is important to constantly share all of your fresh content in all your social media pages. This won’t only show your website to more people, but will also create valuable backlinks.

Meaningless how good your content is, if you don’t share it everywhere, then you’ll probably fail. Sharing it with your community via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ will result in more shares, retweets and +1’s that will certainly improve your website’s online exposure.

2. Be Smart When Linking Your Pages:

Many website owners do a big mistake when they flood their website and content with backlinks to their homepage. Yes, the homepage is important, but Google won’t like it if all your links lead to there.

If you want to significantly improve your website’s SEO, then you should pay more attention to internal linking. Creating hyperlinks between all your content and carefully picking the keywords for each page will improve your standing in Google’s search results.

3. Be More Creative With Your Anchor Texts:

Google Penguin rendered many SEO methods unnecessary. A good example for this is anchor texts and more specifically – off-site and on-site over-optimization.

Over-optimizing your website for a certain keyword will anger Google and it won’t rank your website as well as you’d expect. If you use the exact same keyword everywhere, then you should look for a change. More diversity will improve your Google standing and your website will certainly be linked by more people who want to use different anchor texts.

4. A Few High-Quality Backlinks Are Better Than Many Low-Quality Backlinks:

Often, people who have just started learning about SEO, think that having many backlinks will improve your website’s standing. However, this is only half-true. After the Penguin update, Google pays a lot of attention to the quality of backlinks instead of their quantity. This means that you should strive to have backlinks from reliable websites instead of unreliable websites. You must follow Best link building tips in this case.

5. Quality Content Is Always A Plus:

The best tip for search engine optimization is to be good at what you do. No matter how hard you try to optimize and popularize your website, if your community doesn’t help, then you’ll most probably fail. Try to improve your content’s quality in order to improve the chance that your readers will share it.

To write quality content, you can read the post which explains about the interesting facts of content writing.

So if want to keep your site safe from coming penguin updates or want to recover from previous penguin updates then do follow these top 5 tips to build quality links in a smart way.


Guest post by Shah interested to write about SEO, social media, Google, wordpress and other interesting topics related to webmaster niche on

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