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5 Awesome iPad Apps for Kids that Will Make Them Entertained!

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Not-so-tech-savvy parents might think twice about lettings kids play with their precious smartphones, iPads and iPod Touches. However, these gadgets are surprisingly sturdy even when little fingers flick through the screen. Another advantage of using the iPad is that it can serve as an alternative to “television babysitting”. Instead of letting your kids watch Saturday morning cartoons on the tube, you can simply download apps which will not just keep their hands occupied but also stimulate their brains.

There are almost a quarter of a million applications which are downloadable in iTunes today – most of which are kid-friendly. Get your kids to learn the alphabet, solve math problems through games, develop their artistic skills through drawing apps or play music virtually. The list of the brain-stimulating and entertaining apps that they can play with is practically endless.

Download these Apps to Turn Noisy Tykes into Little Angels!         

Another great reason for buying Apple’s tablet computer and filling it with downloaded apps for kids is that it is a great way to keep them entertained. Let’s say that you are going on a road trip and the children would have to ride at the back of the car for several hours. If you’re the driver, you would not want to hear the question “Are we there yet?” every five minutes.

To help turn the noisy tykes into quiet little angels during the trip, you can download any of these apps to keep them occupied – and entertained!

Dr. Seuss’ ABC

By: Oceanhouse Media
Recommended for kids aged 2 to 6, “Dr. Seuss’ ABC” is an app that will entertain your son or daughter while gaining alphabet-reading skills at the same time. The beauty of such iPad apps is that kids do have fun playing with them, but without them knowing that they are actually studying school-related topics. Introduce your kid to Aunt Annie who rides an alligator, as well as Zizzer-Zazzer-Suzz. Funny, entertaining and easy to use, the app even has a bonus game called Picture-Word Association. Based from the original Dr. Seuss’ ABC books, young children will surely be entertained with this amazing app.


By: Disney
If you think that PIXEL’D is a quite simple app that children can play with, think again. Reviewers say that it is a pretty intuitive, powerful tool that even adults will have fun with. It’s an app that lets you create and animate images. There are 20 frames which kids can use to create animations, there are three drawing layers and a variety of shape tools. Not only will the app allow kids to use their imagination, but it also renews their association with beloved Disney characters.

The Oregon Trail

By: Gameloft
Both adults and kids would have fun going on a virtual adventure with The Oregon Trail app. The program includes weight mini-games which are skills-based, random events, side missions, decision making and problem solving features. The game even has a retro vibe to it, giving kids a pleasant reminder of how it was during the times of the Wild West.

Toca Train

By: Toca Boca AB
Get squabbling siblings to bond while playing the Toca Train. It’s an app which doubles up as a fun train stimulator. The steam train makes the actual choo-choo train sounds, it has smoke, a whistle and sparks. There are six different stations that the train stops by which has colorful scenery, and this oh-so-fun app is suited for children aged 3 to 7 years of age.

Trucks HD

By: Duck Duck Moose
Have your son or daughter have a fun time playing with the Trucks HD app. Kids can use the carwash, help fix a flat tire, clean up the streets, use a dump truck or play with a colorful fire truck. It helps teach kids about sequences, simple math problems and sorting while also giving their imagination the proper stimulation that it needs.

When you have to spend long hours with your kids inside the vehicle, make sure to bring your iPad with these apps already downloaded so that they can stay occupied and entertained throughout the journey.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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