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4 Valuable Twitter Strategies for Entrepreneurs

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As an entrepreneur in today’s business environment, marketing on social networks such as Twitter is the norm; so it is very important that you learn social media strategies that work. You must also Know The ABCs Of Entrepreneurship! Below are 4 valuable Twitter strategies for entrepreneurs:

1. Pick the Ideal People to Follow:

It is important that you understand that even though Twitter is one of the most powerful social media marketing tools on the internet, but the people that you associate with is what actually makes the difference. If you feel that the conversations are a step above blah or you are being bombarded left and right by sales ads or no one is responding to your enquiries; just take a good look at who you are following and search for people that are more aligned with your objectives.

2.  Take Advantage of Twitter Search Feature:

You can generate sales; all you need to do is to learn social media strategies that have been used by successful entrepreneurs. For instance, you may run a company that focuses on “hardwood floor maintenance”; then search Twitter for keywords such as “hardwood floors” or “hardwood flooring”. Your search may bring up recent tweets mentioning those keywords. Then, you can respond to the sender and say something like “you may be interested in this website which offers special and affordable hardwood floor maintenance“.

3. Provide Solutions Instead of Selling:

Many smart entrepreneurs use social media marketing to connect with those who have questions instead of bombarding their followers with ads. Your followers will pull away once they notice that you are ALWAYS selling and not ready to answer some questions they may have.

 4. Always Be Polite:

This is perhaps the best strategy to learn when using social media for business growth. There are times when you may come across very ill mannered, they may even use insulting and unprintable names in order to express their opinions. You should never lose control, always maintain your sense of dignity and never give any inconsiderate person the satisfaction of making you condescend to their level. Reply mean spirited comments with a polite comment. If someone is dissatisfied with your product or service and goes on to use a “colorful” language in order to express their dissatisfaction reply with kind words; you will not only diffuse the situation but also earn the respect of your followers as well.

Twitter is the social media marketing tool that can get your business noticed; so what are you waiting for?

Oluwaseun Babajide

Oluwaseun Babajide is the CEO & founder of He loves working on the internet, golfing & blogging.

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