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Improve Computer Performance Using 10 Cool Tips

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Nothing can be more frustrating than a poor performing computer system. A sluggish computer not only slows down the efficiency of a user but also causes unnecessary irritation. In case your system is also giving you a hard time due to its slow performance, then it’s time to straighten out some things. Everyone is looking for a small magic trick which will improve computer performance!

Read on the following cool tips, that will definitely give a boost to your system and improve computer performance.

  1. Uninstall Unnecessary Programs

There is no necessity for storing those programs in your system, which you no longer use. They serve no use at all just except occupying unnecessary storage space. Therefore, just find all such applications and programs and uninstall them by using uninstall tool from the control panel. It is recommended to keep a regular check on the programs, too see whether they are used frequently or not.

  1. Scan And Get Rid Of Malwares

The most important thing a computer user should take care of is the presence of malwares or virus in the computer system. Malwares and viruses corrupt some files and folders residing in the system. Also the malware may slow the speed of the system by running operations in the background like sending out spam mails, generating new viruses and other villainous tasks for which they have been designed. To keep an eye on these viruses, install certified anti-virus software in your system. The software will wipe off all the virus and malwares that enter in the system.

  1. Perform Defragmentation

Defragmentation is the best way to reduce the amount of fragmentation in your hard drive. It creates large region of free space and stores the files in sequence. It is advised to regularly defragment your drive so as to optimize the performance of your system. You can either do it yourself repeatedly over a period of time or can also schedule your system to automatically defragment regularly. In case you do downloading, installing or uninstalling applications frequently, then you will need to defragment your drive more often.

  1. Change Power Settings Of System

At times, the power settings of the computer system may force down the hard drive to work in an inefficient manner. The key is to change the power settings so as to facilitate the system to start with power-saver settings in an efficient way.

  1. Use Disk Cleanup Utility

At times the hard drive gets filled with unnecessary files, which just occupy unnecessary space. For doing this, you can use Microsoft’s Disk Cleanup Utility. The utility wipes the unnecessary files from the hard drive and helps in reducing the slow working of your system. It deletes all the unnecessary files, empties the recycle bin and removes all the unnecessary system files that are no longer in use.

  1. Reduction In Startup Programs

If the numbers of programs that start when your system is powered on are very high, then it might be a reason for the slow performance of your system. Remove all the applications that you don’t require to start up as soon as the system is started. For doing this go to the startup tab and remove the items such as Adobe Acrobat, antivirus and other applications.

  1. Switch To A Different Browser

Most of the computer users nearly spend all their time browsing on net. And it is not a secret that all the internet browsers work in a different manner. In case you are also using a slow browser you will neglect this and the whole blame is put on the system. But in reality the fault is with the browser. Some browsers work well with the things which other browser fail to do. In fact, according to many, Chrome is the fastest browser with almost no bugs and best performance. Therefore, if you are also stuck with any other browser consider working with Chrome to give a boost to your system.

  1. Increase The RAM

If we talk about making some physical changes to your system then the option to extend the RAM is very reasonable. As a system gets old, its performance decreases and can be enhanced by increasing the RAM with an upgrade. The users must keep on increasing the RAM until the system capacity is filled. You can do it yourself or can also ask for assistance from the service providers who specialize in this field. To some extent, this is really helpful to improve computer performance.

  1. Resolve Hardware Issues

Sometimes the slow performance is only because of the hardware issues of the system. In very hot climates, it happens that the system gets too hot due to improper ventilation system. In order avoid getting overheated; the computer might slow down its performance. Therefore, take proper care of the ventilation system. Also faulty hardware drives may also alter the overall performance of the system. Keep the drivers updated in and in a good condition, to avoid such issues.

  1. Faster DNS Server

Your Internet Service Provider might be giving you a large bandwidth, but most probably you are not aware of the cost at which this happens. In order to provide more bandwidth most of the ISPs compromise with the DNS that they use. These DNS deteriorate the functioning of your system by making it slow. If the matter you want takes a lot of time for loading, it’s a sure sign that the DNS is at fault. It is recommended to add a fast DNS server, to enhance the performance of the system.

Keep in mind to go over all the tips to enhance the dull working of your computer system and take your productivity to a higher level.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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